Sunday, December 20, 2009

Persistence Pays

Creativity and Craft

I love school holidays. You feel less guilty as you browse along the streets especially Petaling Street which is a treasure cove. You can get almost anything there and the best part is you can haggle till the cows come home. I am skilful at that.
So I was caught by the persistence of the youngest at home. "Ma, can you please bring me somewhere where I can get stuff to make book marks?" Book marks ? So she gave me a brief description of what she wanted...beads, pearls, problem. I know the place - our very own Petaling Street.

My crave for this place - to eat and be busy body - has taught me to get to the place without a hitch ; though there were plenty in the beginning. Now, I can drive there with my eyes closed ...haha. Dad I am not joking.

Sara wanted the items seen above. It was not an easy task. We were a little foolish when we tried to draw pictures of it and it got us no where. We found the beads, chains and the other stuff but that shown above was not an easy find. We walked under the hot sun for a couple of hours inquiring about them but to no avail. She was so persistent. I looked at her and knew somehow , somewhere we were gonna find it. But alas, at the end of the day, we gave up unwillingly. But as the saying goes, when there is a will, there is a way. By a stroke of luck, someone texted her about the place to get the item.

So on the very next day, she made a trip there again...and she found it ! Eureka !

She sorted and arranged her hew found love neatly, ready for the bash.

She even with permission took some of my items which I use no more.

Then she began her work. Like baking, she took a serious effort to create book marks worth giving away as gifts. They were to be her expressions of art and craft.

A real transformation. Now I understand what she meant by book marks.

See how versatile the book mark is. For beauty and function. A real book mark in its sense.

A further confirmation of the use of the book marks.

Pretty things, aren't they? Someone has made an order of 12. She is afraid they are not up to mark and not good enough as gifts. I told her they are the perfect thing for gifts especially for Christmas. Wouldn't you purchase for the price of RM10.00 each? You can make an order too. You would not be disappointed.

Creative book marks.

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