Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Guest Written Entry 1

Hello world!

Thank you for reading my mummy's blog - from what Pops tells me, she spends way too much time on the net blogging. He complains that she doesnt watch TV with him already. Poor Daddy :( See what a dedicated blogger she is already!

She's gonna delete this post if I add that she stalks blogs too, but oh well :)

So kids, if you think you can get away with bad mouthing 'that teacher Puan Chong ah' - I would be a little more cautious if I were you. Heh. I'm just kidding - she's not that pro at stalking blogs yet.

I think she's been doing a relatively good job blogging is she not? I mean I actually really liked her most recent post - so informative and helpful! I mean, who would've thought I actually had to be spoon fed since 4 months old? She updates often enough, tries not to post blog entries during schooling hours (or she'd call me miles away all the way in Melbourne just to teach her to delete her posts - for the 10th time - if she does) and she doesnt say bad words! Brownie points.

Anyways, from what I hear from friends - they like reading Mother's stuff cos she writes different and touches on topics you guys wouldnt be able to find just about anywhere. (Honestly lah, who'd want to hear about some ancient school in Singapore - talk about draggy posts) And lets admit it - you dont find a teacher/mother/old person who blogs everyday right?

But I keep telling her to blog less about Muar and more of school stories. Only my aunt from Penang has shown immense interest in blog posts concerning Muar. Mysteries of life. But trust me! There are HILARIOUS school stories she's been keeping to herself - stories that would tickle your funny bone so much you would find yourself with a sore throat the following day from laughing too hard.

But I'm sure Puan Chong has been battling with herself deciding what she can blog about and what she shouldn't. So what I want you to do is well, simply tell her. Tell her what you would like to read, tell her what you would be most interested in knowing about her life (& family), her experiences and maybe remind her to put less unflattering pictures of her daughters. I'd be eternally grateful. So will my sisters.

(Oh, go ahead and ask her how many wedding proposals she had turned down before marrying Pops. Heh, go ask her!)

See Ma always calls me a daredevil - but the only reason why I'm bold enough to blog here without her knowledge is because she won't be able to physically manhandle me, not until in about 4 weeks time or so. Teehee HAVE FUN BOMBARDING HER WITH QUESTIONS! And Ma, you better not delete this post ah!

Signing off, Daughter No. 2

Monday, October 27, 2008

When Do We Stop ?

Welcome to the club, dear nephew.

Nephew: Ayi Poh, next time where do you think my son should have his education?
Me : Here la. Why?
Nephew : But I am afraid old timers like you become obsolete and I am not too sure if the
younger breed can teach like you all.
Me : Why worry so fast? Relak la!
Nephew : Cannot...must plan now.

You see...you begin to worry even before the baby arrives. Don't all of us at one point or another?

Way before the child arrives, you read to enhance your knowledge on childcare especially so if it is the first baby. Then you begin to plan...what if? what if? Who shall the caregiver be? Must I ask my wife to quit and look after the baby? But how then? What can the maid teach my child?

NO...my wife must be the one to take care of the child. No compromise.

How shall I put my child to sleep? On the stomach or on the back? They say it's better to be on the stomach, it helps the baby to burb then it will capture the colic problem.

By the way I still remember taking care of this nephew even when he was a day old. The mama was too exhausted to handle him after 24 hours of labour and I had the scare of my life when he nearly choked on some water! And he cried every evening from 6 to 9 pm as he was real colicky! Four adults...grandma, grandpa, me and the mama were prepared for the battle every evening and he doesn't sleep at night. He sleeps in the day time and opens his eyes in the night. What a difficult child.

Well some babies have feeding problems. They don't drink so well and you have to persuade them to drink in all kinds of fashion...from lullabying to shaking and at times making them drowsy in the good 'old sarong' before the bottle is given. Esther was one of them. At 4 months old she quit the bottle and poor Leticia (maid) had to feed her manually in spoonfuls. You know mothers can turn berserk if the child refuses the 3 hourly feed and start to imagine the worst...without the feed... no weight gain which means the child won't grow well...o dear the baby is not drinking ...what shall I do? I was one of this kind of mama. Ahem...listen here now. If the baby doesn't want, it's ok...they will still grow. Look at Esther ...she is drinking milk in revenge now. So don't' panic.

Leticia and Esther

Baby Sara was the best. She drank her milk contentedly without fuss and fret. Nanny Allie has a special hold over her as she sleeps with her till this very day. They are inseparable and don't try to reduce Sara in importance in front of the nanny...she defends her like she defends the Jordan River.

Look at the contented child

It's lonely to look after babies without the support of the extended family. In those days when I was a young and inexperienced mum, and at times fearful, I used to envy Princess Diana...she had so many nannies to take care of her babies whereas I was so alone to take care of Grace.

And woe it was to me when one day I woke up to discover Grace at 9 months suffering from intussuception. I bet you don't know what it is . It's some kind of constriction of the intestines and I virtually cried for days when the doctors had to carry out a surgical procedure.
It was agonising to see the poor girl suffer such intense pain.
O ...the memory is still painful.
Por por rushed all the way up from Muar and at the Assunta Hospital the nurses gave her the greatest fright when they advised her to 'take the last look' before pushing her into the operating theatre. Uncle Choy also popped in and in the lift kept pacifying Por por. O...the amount of tears!

Grace at 9 months

Mothers go through many traumatic experiences and are ever ready to suffer for the child.

Some babies suffer from the foot and mouth disease. Both Esther and Sara had a bout of them. This is perhaps one of the most heart wrenching ailment that can happen to a child especially if it attacks the mouth and throat. No milk, no food, only pain. A mama can really cry to see the child suffer in this manner. Hungry and yet unable to swallow. I had to hold Esther throughout the night with her head on my shoulders and every movement seemed to hurt her. It was a nasty experience. Pray your child never gets it.

Then when they grow up it's again the parents' responsiblity to see that they grow well mentally and spiritually.

You have to decide where they go to for their first formal lessons. Which Kindergarten? Alpha? Ladybird? Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Every Sunday, I see a group of young parents dutifully sending their children to classes for their spiritual nourishment just like what Robert and I used to do. Today the young parents are still doing exactly the same. What do we parents hope for? That the children will grow up wholesome, embracing right values and fear God. How do we protect them? How much? How far? How long?

But in school today, I still see so many wayward ones. They have fine parents who are ready to give all the support and yet things just don't work out the way it should. Where did it go wrong? Or is it too early to condemn? There is no right or wrong? Or is it time that is needed? How long? Pray they will turn out fine. Have been in the line too long not to feel sorry at times for some parents.

By the way those up there are not wayward...they are the kiasus of the batch.

Also very soon , when you grow older, the children become teenagers and semi adults. You sometimes wonder why they grow so fast but yet it is so. Now, you don't tell them what to do all the time. They tell you what they want. You listen...at times you agree. At others, you wonder what has become of them...why are they not in tune with you? Where have all the teachings gone to? Who has been influencing them? Why can't they be just like us? They make you worry.

So dear nephew, that's just a brief account of parenthood. You went through the same stage but you have turned out to be a fine man. Ayi is super proud of you. And when I hear you talk about issues of life ...man- you have grown up.

When do you stop worrying about them?

Take care, girls.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Wedding In The Opposite House

Know why I am still awake? I am so excited that my neighbour in the opposite house is preparing the place including my garden porch for his youngest son's wedding !

Hajah Norisah approached me last week and asked if she could use part of our premises for their wedding preparation and later a wedding treat for their guests. Without a second thought, I agreed. Being brought up in a smaller town, I actually miss the closeness and warmth of a real neighbourhood and the merriment of such an occasion. Somehow, I just simply love to mingle around and share the joy of others around me.

Sara pondering forlornly at the preparation of the tents. That's a super long one!

Both Hajah Norisah and Haji Laman have been our neighbours since we first moved in during the mid 90s. We were among the first to be in this neighbourhood then and not long after , we found out that Haji was actually an old boy of Muar High School , our alma mater too.

Muar High School

Haji Laman

Hajah Norisah

This is my favourite boy - Adam. He is one of the grandsons of the couple and every morning he will wake up with the word 'fish' so I was told; and gleefully finds his way to my compound and look at them.

Fish - so colourful and beautiful and brings plenty of joy to Adam

With the hundreds of guests swarming their house, Adam and his sister found peace and fun with the piano in our house. Esther...look at them.

The favourite boy on Sara's laps.

Some of Adam's friends mesmerised by the fishes.

Wedding preparations in the night before the big day

Lovely bouquets...part of the deco for the joyous occasion

A battalion of helpers all geared for the grand buffet

A snapshot from the window of my room...oh how I love the aroma of the food...fried chicken!

Fried chicken on the spot...fresh and crunchy and no melamine!

Beef Rendang...don't salivate Wen and Lyn!

Fresh Fruits...a galore of them

There...barbecuing a lamb.

Deft fingers at work...tasted real good

Arrival of guests...you see how busy body I was? But I was really excited la...it's being a long , long time . I had a faint recollection of my childhood days when we had such occasions- this time Chinese wedding dinners - usually held at the Hainan Association beside my house in Muar when food was prepared right behind my mum's shop for the guests...exactly what is happening in my compound now!

I spotted a beauty...she is none other than Siti Wan Khatijah...the famous local artiste chatting away with the caterer in my garden

More guests...and the number hit a huge one - 2000 guests.

Arrival of the wedding entourage...the bride and groom and the Malay Kompang

Youngest son of Haji Laman and Hajah Norisah - Zureen and his lovely bride, Nanie

Zureen and Nanie ready to receive blessings from the Imam

This group of cuties...all boys... gave a splendid performance dancing to the beat of lovely tunes

When the guests left, they were given such lovely gifts.

Even the usual pour in the evening took a break...a lighter version... and the party went on. Haji and wife repeatedly thanked us and finally had our assurance of it being a small gesture after a common topic again...Muar High School...we were from the same school right? Muar, right? Hei we've been friends even from the old town...friends forever. That's what life is all about right?

We thanked them for including us in this joyous occasion.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Sara's Additions

When you don't have them you miss the following:

Coffee cup cakes

Banana chocolate muffins

Peach tea cake

Oreo cupcakes

Orange cup cakes

Cinnamon rolls

Peanut butter cookies

Sardine rolls

Banana chocolate cake

Perhaps out of loneliness and lack of sibling squabbles, No.3 has intensified her effort to conquer the world with her new found skill - baking.
Am grateful that she is around to add colour and company to the empty nest.
But she can be quite a handful at times getting her own ways with no one to fight and share with. This must not go on for long less she grows out of hand?
The sisters must come home soon to help her find her bearings again.
But all in all...something good came out of it...she is baking well.