Friday, October 17, 2008

Sara's Additions

When you don't have them you miss the following:

Coffee cup cakes

Banana chocolate muffins

Peach tea cake

Oreo cupcakes

Orange cup cakes

Cinnamon rolls

Peanut butter cookies

Sardine rolls

Banana chocolate cake

Perhaps out of loneliness and lack of sibling squabbles, No.3 has intensified her effort to conquer the world with her new found skill - baking.
Am grateful that she is around to add colour and company to the empty nest.
But she can be quite a handful at times getting her own ways with no one to fight and share with. This must not go on for long less she grows out of hand?
The sisters must come home soon to help her find her bearings again.
But all in all...something good came out of it...she is baking well.


Susan said...

What an interesting blog. I enjoyed reading it. We live in Texas and I work at a retirement community. Several of our residents enjoy Mahjong.

Thanks for letting me stop by.

Puan Chong said...

Nice to know you are reading. Thanks. Yea...mahjong...good fun.