Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Wedding In The Opposite House

Know why I am still awake? I am so excited that my neighbour in the opposite house is preparing the place including my garden porch for his youngest son's wedding !

Hajah Norisah approached me last week and asked if she could use part of our premises for their wedding preparation and later a wedding treat for their guests. Without a second thought, I agreed. Being brought up in a smaller town, I actually miss the closeness and warmth of a real neighbourhood and the merriment of such an occasion. Somehow, I just simply love to mingle around and share the joy of others around me.

Sara pondering forlornly at the preparation of the tents. That's a super long one!

Both Hajah Norisah and Haji Laman have been our neighbours since we first moved in during the mid 90s. We were among the first to be in this neighbourhood then and not long after , we found out that Haji was actually an old boy of Muar High School , our alma mater too.

Muar High School

Haji Laman

Hajah Norisah

This is my favourite boy - Adam. He is one of the grandsons of the couple and every morning he will wake up with the word 'fish' so I was told; and gleefully finds his way to my compound and look at them.

Fish - so colourful and beautiful and brings plenty of joy to Adam

With the hundreds of guests swarming their house, Adam and his sister found peace and fun with the piano in our house. Esther...look at them.

The favourite boy on Sara's laps.

Some of Adam's friends mesmerised by the fishes.

Wedding preparations in the night before the big day

Lovely bouquets...part of the deco for the joyous occasion

A battalion of helpers all geared for the grand buffet

A snapshot from the window of my room...oh how I love the aroma of the food...fried chicken!

Fried chicken on the spot...fresh and crunchy and no melamine!

Beef Rendang...don't salivate Wen and Lyn!

Fresh Fruits...a galore of them

There...barbecuing a lamb.

Deft fingers at work...tasted real good

Arrival of see how busy body I was? But I was really excited's being a long , long time . I had a faint recollection of my childhood days when we had such occasions- this time Chinese wedding dinners - usually held at the Hainan Association beside my house in Muar when food was prepared right behind my mum's shop for the guests...exactly what is happening in my compound now!

I spotted a beauty...she is none other than Siti Wan Khatijah...the famous local artiste chatting away with the caterer in my garden

More guests...and the number hit a huge one - 2000 guests.

Arrival of the wedding entourage...the bride and groom and the Malay Kompang

Youngest son of Haji Laman and Hajah Norisah - Zureen and his lovely bride, Nanie

Zureen and Nanie ready to receive blessings from the Imam

This group of cuties...all boys... gave a splendid performance dancing to the beat of lovely tunes

When the guests left, they were given such lovely gifts.

Even the usual pour in the evening took a break...a lighter version... and the party went on. Haji and wife repeatedly thanked us and finally had our assurance of it being a small gesture after a common topic again...Muar High School...we were from the same school right? Muar, right? Hei we've been friends even from the old town...friends forever. That's what life is all about right?

We thanked them for including us in this joyous occasion.


Aiden T said...

Hi teacher! I'm here to comment on your blog as a whole. To be frank, I think it's pretty good. I like your perspective, and your outlook on life. The way you write seems very genuine, and I can sorta relate to most of the things you say, eventhough I'm just another spiky-haired Form 3 kid.

Keep it up, teacher! :D

Puan Chong said...

Thanks for the encouragement. We teachers need plenty of them.Keep it up too!

~CHUNG杰KEAT~ said...

hey teacher, chung keat here..
what is teacher's email? I need to send the picture to teacher. teacher can insert cbox in your blog.

Puan Chong said...

Keat...hope u have received d