A past, present and future connection
When you become a feeder school to a local tertiary institution of higher learning, you are highly esteemed by them.

Taylor's has long been associated with the students of
Seafield and historical achievements have been achieved through this partnership. Many
Seafieldians have walked past the gates of Taylor's and have today emerged as professional and successful individuals. Strange that my spouse should have his
pre-u education at Taylor's and later to find his 3 daughters going through the same gate before embarking on university degrees. Grace went through SAM and
IMU, Esther through their architectural diploma and University of Melbourne and Sara through A levels and the University of Reading; all semi products of Taylor's. In a way, I am grateful to the opportunities created through the programmes.
Taylor's has long been contributing to education through affiliation with local schools. So today the staff of
Seafield were given to another treat as were given a session on "creative teaching" by the head of Design Department, Mr. Kenneth Tan.

Mr. Tan is an eloquent, patient and knowledgeable speaker.

Taylor's was gracious for she provided meals too at their beautiful, local campus. The teachers were delighted for they had a choice of meals and drinks after been given a free ride there. What great hospitality; no wonder their school of tourism and hospitality today has a student population of 3000.

The teachers were eager to learn. You see it on their smiley and eager faces. But what was going to be taught?
After listening to Sir Ken Robinson, we were further made to understand that students who can't sit still in class may not necessarily suffer from anything except out of boredom and insufficient stimulation. That introduced us to the notion of creativity.
In summary, 4 facets of creativity were touched.
- Fluency
- Flexibility
- Originality
- Elaboration
Fluency allows varied solutions to a challenge. Problems are solved not only in one manner. Try as many and use the most appropriate for the occasion. Teachers teaching maths and art must allow more than a method to achieve the goal?

Everyone was asked to form patterns out of the circles. Any form as long as a theme is made. Fluency is for the best of varied approaches.
Flexibility is applied with a condition : no breaking of rules.
So the teachers were asked to fold a piece of paper into quarters, then to divide it into 3 strips.

Tear the strips into 3 equal parts and there is a limit to its tear about 2 inches above the end of the paper. The rule is to hold 2 ends of the paper with your fingers and be creative !

She did it ! No rules broken and yet the task is achieved. It is typical of this teacher. She doesn't break rules and still manages to achieve her task in her work.

So delightfully she received this gift for her creativity. So we teach children to achieve task without breaking rules .
So how do you be original in your creations?

Cloud shape. Design 4 patterns to denote 4 different types of vocation.

That's an ice cream cone; so ice cream vendor !

If it is star shaped; it is the sheriff ! What else?

Flags in different banner shapes !

Hearts. A matchmaker agency, heart surgeon, emotional consultant...

This is the winning work. A triangle shape forming vocations for a mountaineer,
archaeologist, billiard player and a camp director...

Doris, Doris, Doris ... creative ! Maybe we play the game with the students in school and they might just outshine all of us.
So now you talk about originality and elaboration ! Talk about combinations of ideas and elaborate on them.

Combine list A and B and come out with the most outrageous ideas of the best creation. The scale of difficulty has climbed up... bloom's taxonomy.

Use Mas to carry
durians to international markets. China, Korea and Japan now import
durians from Malaysia. If MAS cannot beat AA, carry
durians instead? The teachers are bold!

How about the banana shape combined with Mas and footwear expert
Fung Keong ?

mangosteen with Maxis; i phone ... winning streak !

Devi, though quiet is surely imaginative and became the winner. Now I know the potential in her.

Some ideas her can be patented...thanks to the creativity of teachers ! When I casually asked Kenneth about the level of creativity of the staff on the Likert Scale of 1 - 5 he quickly said at least 4! Seafield is creative !
In between the sessions as I walked around the campus, I couldn't help but notice creativity displayed !

It looked so familiar. Yes, back in mid 2005 I remember Esther doing stunts like that in her course.

I went to them and asked : Are you architectural students ? Yes ! Yes ! ... I knew it. Nothing but sense, creativity and ideas; loads of it for the course.

I was told by the excited Esther last night that Bakita, co- designed with colleagues while working in ArchiCenter was highlighted in the local Architecture Magazine. She was elated. Now more for the days to come...

She leaves for Melbourne to day again for her final lap... gruesome 6 years. But may all that she has learnt bring her joy and contentment. The course has taught her creativity, endurance, patience, determination, and caused buckets of tears and sleepless nights. Architecture is surely not for the faint-hearted.
May the good Lord's presence go before you and bless your work.
Go Esther go... mama is with you !

Taylor's...so connected with my past, present and future.
Thank you for a day of knowledge, food and hospitality.