To Melbourne
Grevillea Lodge gave us perfect rest. After bidding good bye to Merrill and Nicky, the Siberian Husky, we continued our travel to Melbourne. We thought it would be a 5 hour drive but Merrill gently told us it would take 7 hours non-stop.
But as usual, dad could not allow a chance to see Canberra go by just like that. So, we took a tour of the federal capital.

Canberra is akin to our very own
Putrajaya, at least that's what we think. It's prim and proper with a no nonsense type ethos. Clean and quiet, it's a perfect place to send your children for further studies. In fact, Canberra houses 2 very distinguished universities ; The University of Canberra and Australian National University apart from many other smaller ones. Malaysia sends many of her
JPA scholars here.
After the
mamak sessions of
Subang Jaya, it will be quite an effort to fit into Canberra, so I believe. That's why Hazel, Esther's former classmate is always on the run...she finally graduated this year. Congrats, Hazel.
We finished seeing the the capital in half an hour. So we continued our pursuit of the final destination.

All the way to Melbourne along the Pacific Highway, landscapes that depict fairy tale like descriptions in story books came alive again. Grace recounted her Enid
Blyton days and admitted that she used to dream of waking up to a landscape and weather as witnessed along the journey.

NSW we could not escape this sight - merino sheep grazing on the grassland.They are an inquisitive lot and herd instinct is strong. Why are you looking at us? We have never seen so many sheep in our lifetime.
Despite our tight schedule, the man of the house finally voted that we had to make a slight detour again. We must not miss
Jeir Creek as it is on the map of the 'must sees'. So we must see.
Jeir Creek is renowned for her wine and vineyards. The lady boss told us that they bought the 40 acres back in 1984, 2 months before her 3rd daughter was born. There was an immediate affiliation when she saw us with our 3 girls. But her girls are all grown up and are busy in their careers in bigger towns. Together with her husband and some part time help, they managed the enterprise on their own. They breathe in clean, unpolluted air each day and I can see they will have long lives. The weather here is very cool and dry so perfect for the grapes and of course beautiful blooms.

We saw the male boss pruning the vines and he said his hands tell tales - calloused.But I can see that he is enjoying himself and doesn't take it as a chore. Dad fitted into the atmosphere quite naturally. He even said he would love to do the pruning too cos it's therapeutic and good for the soul.

Succulent and fresh grapes ready for harvest in some months. The lady boss also related that they are not keen on comprising quality for quantity. At times when deem fit, they will cut away the fruits just to make sure the quality of the grapes is preserved. She even said that there is no one formula for the production of wine. A lot depends on the grapes which are different seasonally. But she likes the variation cos every season of production is unique.

We got to another wine tasting session and bought a couple of bottles for celebration later.

I love the blooms. So I must take a shot.

Another family photo for memories.

On the way down from the winery, Esther insisted that Grace stop for this. Post boxes for everyone. It's one kind of its own.
Away from
Jeir Creek, we again made the long trip down south.

We took a short break to relax our tight muscles at
Holbrook known for its submarines. A cowboy town, many travellers stop here to have a cup of coffee and even prayers. We witnessed a Muslim family offering their prayers in a simple manner...a mat laid out in the middle of a field and the family on their knees. Told the girls it's important to have a quiet and still time before God each day for divine instruction. They kept quiet.
We finally arrived at our final destination - Melbourne - our last stop before we fly out to Malaysia.
We were very grateful to my brother and his family for waiting patiently for our arrival. Dinner could only be served at 8 that evening. My
SIL prepared a sushi dinner and we had a sumptuous meal.

SIL has lost a lot of weight. She says she has been working hard. I could see that. Running between a business and the home is no easy matter. They have a lovely house in Wheeler's Hill and it's no wonder every time Esther comes here she doesn't want to go back to the apartment.
Home is where the heart is. Wherever one may be, as long as you are with your immediate family and children, the battle is won. It's only when the family is apart that makes life tough.

Look at the picture. Another generation. This time I could not refuse this shot
cos they are all ex-
seafieldians. With the exception of Grace and Jeremy, the rest were once under the
tutelage of
SMK Seafield. From the right, Esther, Jason, Mei Chee, John and Sara. I feel good to see them growing up well.

We ended the evening with an outdoor activity...watching fireworks in an early celebration in the backyard of Wheeler's Hill. It was when we were in Las Vegas.
Melbourne...the place where we want to be.