Friday, December 5, 2008

I passed

5th Dec 2008
7.25:23 am
I passed.

I had dreams...plenty of them throughout the night. But I woke up to an even better reality.
Finally. She made it at the exit exam. Grace passed. Thank you dear Jesus.

Well...I have been waiting for a long while...6 years? But it's worth the waiting. Despite the fears and at times doubts, the resilience saw her through. It's not an easy walk but what is easy in life?

Just yesterday as I was going through some of her things in her room in anticipation of her coming home I saw this cute little card...the 001 card. Every school going child will remember this card. Can you still recall filling this card? What I want to be when I grow up?And do you remember the poor counsellor in school trying to help put your thoughts in place to chart your future path? They are important moments cos they do help you think of your future. It was an indication for Grace, though.

Apa Saya Hendak Jadi Bila Saya Besar (Pilihan Pekerjaan oleh Murid)

Tahun/Darjah Pilihan Pertama Pilihan Kedua Pilihan Ketiga

1991 1 Cempaka Doktor Guru Pegawai

The choice of careers then didn't seem important. It was probably a child's I thought.

Now, the year was 2000. Immediately after PMR, when students were to be streamed into the Sciences or Arts , my first reaction was she should be in the Arts. If you know Grace, you will know why I did that. I thought she was a natural in the Arts ... the right brainer.

Ma : Girl, you go into the Arts and do Literature in English

Grace : Ok , ma

The next day, the good old advisor;

Mrs Wang : Hei Chong. Are you crazy? Put her in the Science stream. Don't cut her off like that.

I had a difficult evening. If I were to put her in the Arts she will sail through. Nothing to worry about and she can write until the cows come home. But...what if one day she tells me she wants to be in the Health Sciences? A doctor? Urg...tuition, is always more difficult with the first child. So, I took the good advisor's intuition and persuaded her to go into the Science stream. Just in case...I made a mistake.

Another turning point. Foundation year. What now? Arts or Science? My poor Grace is always the guinea pig..mama is just as blur. Ok now. The same principle...if you go to the Arts stream you cut yourself off ...if otherwise in the Science stream you are given a wider scope. So that was the basis of the decision again. The rest is history.

Though I thought she was an innate right brainer, she developed her left brain later in life. There's a precious lesson here. We can help an individual develop both sides of the brain as concurred in the Theory of Multiple Intelligence. My advice to parents and students...nothing is impossible if you have a will to accomplish but your child must be prepared to work.

I have a confession to make here though.

I don't know if she really enjoys the course or she is doing it out of obligation for I know her first love is to write. I will ask her when I see her on Sunday. But she is a good girl. She listens to me.

So parents, think about my decision with Grace. Maybe it can help you in your future dealings with your child. But a word of caution your child enough to hear what they want cos what we want may not be what they want. However, we have to guide with right gut feelings and be firm enough not to give in to whims and fancies. A life time of learning.

Thanks to life long learning.

Grace and Esther in Brisbane

P.S I am putting up this pic to 'compensate' for the other scrawny pic I have shown in the 001 card so she won't be angry with me...hahahaha.

See you girls in a couple of days.


Yeoh Ee Ping said...

Now I feel truly blessed that my parents allowed me to go into the Humanities stream right away! :)

Puan Chong said... what u are best at