The Sports Day
A myriad of talents at the good old MPSJ stadium...but an upgraded version. Now we have a grand stand and shade. Makes watching more comfortable but it was a blazing hot day ; no less than 34 degrees Celsius. As usual, it was a day of hard labour for the teachers, a day of pride for the parents and a day of fun for the children. It was also a day of reconciliation when old boys , not much of the girls though, when they came back to see their alma mater and teachers.

An upgraded version of the MPSJ stadium. For old boys and girls who may have gone overseas, you will notice that it is now more fun to watch the events as the shade provides comfort and also looks of course.

The usual parade for the oath taking ceremony.

Do you see the old gentlemen of the school? Yes, they are still with us.

They are still cheery under the scorching sun. Without them the game could not go on. Look. Your teachers coach and slog for you in class and on the field they display traits of dedication and discipline. Where can you find this breed of good people?

They are all too familiar, aren't they? The debaters of the school owe this lady a due. Without her, where is their victory story?

The teacher making sure the stadium is clean enough to retrieve the RM250.00 deposit. The deposit will go if the authorities find the place not neat enough. Who will see to it except the teacher? Tell me how more noble can a job be?
The uniform groups of the school. Their spirit of comradeship and oneness of heart and purpose often spur them to heights of achievements and envious leadership skills. They practise under the hot sun to make sure they can go through the demands of the day well.

This troop leader is not only intelligent and smart but also a great performer on stage. Here he led the team to the much sought after prize - the champion team for the march past. They screeched in tears and was heart warming to see their response.

The only brass band in secondary schools in Subang Jaya - formed with a lot of sweat, money and tears...showing their skills.
Next, the peak of the day...participants of the various houses giving their best shot at aerobics.

Blue House girls and their expressions made quite an impact for the day.

Green do lose out when you do not have the number and appropriate attire.
Red House...the crowd roared when they marched in and note that guy in red. He stole the show cos he was extremely entertaining. He gave the judges the final approval and won the show.
The Purple House go -getters doing their bit to win points for the house.
Yellow House was good, simple entertainment especially with the cute young boys.
But of course...the height of the day was hit with the much awaited performance by the Vulcanz... our very own cheer leading team.
The annual sports is always colourful because the pride of the school- the cheerleaders- never failed to add meaning to the day especially when they gave a splendid performance in bold movements and steps. They were agile and sure-footed. I remember the founder of this group. He wrote of his dream of forming a cheer leading team for the venting of aspiration among the talented ones when I taught him English in class 4B. Lim Chee Wei is an ambitious young man who after his venture with the Vulcanz took the next most natural step in making it a part of his chosen career. He went into a degree on Performing Arts in the University of Malaya - The Road Not Taken- and is no stranger in the popular show 'So You Think You Can Dance' ; having been in the top 20 list. A notion turned into reality...all because the school gave him a chance to form a cheer leading group. That is education.

Carlos Benjamin ... the sportsman of the year. He was the no.1 in the 100m, 200m, 4 x 100m, 4 x 400m and long jump events. So quite naturally he is the man of the show and by the way he was no.1 last year too. He will do well in the sports arena and can seriously consider a degree in sports science - a degree that is increasing in popularity. I remember my nephew Jason who is still holding the 400m record of the school representing the University of Adelaide annually and it was in this very stadium that he ran and developed his athletic strides. Of course I also remember Ee Ping , once the sporstwoman of the school. She still holds the 100m dash record and was a keen participant.

Carlos did not win just like that. He has a father who backed him all the way. At interims the dad did this to him...massaging and applying the much needed ointment to remove pain and strain. A father's devotion, love and support is essential for the best to happen to a child.

This young man popped in to give his alma mater some support. He was also a keen sportsman being very active in the cheer leading group of the school in previous years. This one is a determined young man and is always striving to fight to the very end in serious's no wonder this 4 pointer ended up being the top scorer for his year and getting himself a place in the medical faculty of the University of Malaya. He told me it's a fighting game throughout his years in the university. Where did he learn to fight the good fight? His alma mater, of course...qoute unqoute. You cannot just fight...the spirit and the determination must be cultivated and nurtured right from school days. That's why these qualities are acquired through the activities and opportunities offered by the wonder this ex-cooperative chief kept ranting..."Where's Miss Tan? Where's Miss Tan?" ...Miss Tan our very own entrepreneur of the school and who never believes in non -profitable cooperatives!
Muaz, the beat boxer of the school is first class when he holds the mike and goes rapping away. He came in to see old friends and teachers and we fondly remember his entertaining skills and his presence was felt in almost every school talentime and stage performance. Occasionally he comes in to stage shows to raise money for his alma mater.

I was observing this young lass and the intimate friendship she has acquired with the students of the school during her teaching practice in the school. It was the envy of many as she hugged and snapped photos with her protegee . They missed her and she was warm and big-hearted enough to pop in to see her students on the field. It is indeed good to be youthful like her and being zealous in everything she does. Looking at her, I really felt old and tired. It's so refreshing to see young and smiling faces.

In the midst of noise, fuss and movements, I notice this little forlorn stand. I was elated that even here the notion of recycling existed...broken chairs turned into stands...a most innovative initiative. This is recycling , Seafield...kudos.

When I saw these girls running on the tracks, I recalled long, long ago when I was also a runner like them. I was on the tracks ever since I was in Standard One right through my Form Six days. None of my girls inherited my athletic inclinations except for my nephews Jason and Jeremy. That's where I learnt to persevere in life...fight and never give up.
I have a little secret to share. My mother still kept the medals I won in my runs and just recently I packed them up and displayed them in my glass cabinet at home.
Let me show you some of them.
There. I once was also a keen lass on the field. During those days, my parents did not have to send me to school to practise in the evenings. I cycled to the school field on my own and ran. I remembered a Mr. D'Cruz from Muar High School and his daughters - Bernadette, Colecte and how we used to run every evening in the field in the good old Tanjung field. I also remembered when I was so torn between my studies and having to run during invitation relays which were mostly held during the mid year examination season. But it must have also been during those times that I learnt how to manage my time well and ran like anything to get those medals. Now you know why I am so persistent when I want to get something accomplished. I acquired my grit and fighting gear through school activities and that's why we teachers always encourage learning in every aspect when given the opportunity.
Now, I look forward to the next year.