Monday, April 13, 2009

The Re's...

6th April 2009

We launched the noble act for the year; making the earth a better place, hopefully.

There is this practice that we really wanted the students to acquire - separating the recyclables and disposing them into the allocated bins. Paper, aluminium, plastic, glass and all to be thrown into the recycle bins placed all over the school. Somehow it seems to require plenty of hard work and discipline and is not altogether a very successful effort at the moment. But we are still trying mighty hard and we showed them how to do it on the opening ceremony day.

These recylce bins have multi functions - they are disposal bins for recyclabes; they inadvertently instill discipline; they create funds from sales; they educate and they teach the human race responsibility towards our dear tired earth. But will the human race listen?

The choral speakers did their bit...old newspapers, paper lama, sow kau po chee ...they are a great group.

The afternoon session teachers and students also had their fair share of grandeur and fun launching the event in a most memorable style.

Some form four students displayed their talent and creativity in reusing the recyclabes - papers, egg trays, card boards, aluminium tins and turned them into items that could even fetch a price! Whose was the best? A competition is on.

A gobbler - recycle-scary!

An umbrella - reuse

Colourful egg trays playing the role of notice boards - reuse

A casual bag made from old clothes - reuse

Do you see the petite name card holder? The paper trolley to transport goods...recycle

The 5R lady...guess who? The teachers became the judges of the day? Whose creation called for a second look? A price?

Well done. A paper bag which looked as good as new...recycle

Pen holders, clip holders ... good ideas...all without a cost - recycle

What's this? The Malaysian Twin Towers?...Rethink

A geography project? Repair, reuse, recycle...altogether

Lovely roses on a paper vase...reuse

A great campaign- a call to recycle cans for candy

Students were so eager to show their support and effort...kudos

Teacher, teacher blog about us...sure ...

I say recycle cans for candy...yeah, yeah
Why won't you come join me...yeah, yeah
I say recycle cans for candy...yeah, yeah
Why won't you come join me...yeah, yeah
-the theme song-

Recyclables, recyclables, recyclables...paper, aluminium tins, plastic bottles, glass...recycle!

It's a tradition of the school...Form 6 students taking charge of the Recycle Program and Day. Weighing and allocating funds!

Pastic recyclables, they came in handy too.

Egg trays are versatile and can be reused in many forms besides holding eggs!

The best part of the game...crushing the tins to save space and for reuse

Perhaps the epitome of the recycling ethos and effort of the school is seen in this portrayal of the school identity...bottle caps depicting the school batch. Rethink.

A great effort, boys and girls. Well done.

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