Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Her First Love


I remember my art teacher in secondary school by the name of Ms Anne Lau. She is a great artist and does painting, copper tooling, craft and every other skill that is related to creativity. I also remember the times when I was knocked on the head for virtually spoiling a picture whenever I held a brush to paint. Oh how I dreaded art periods and yearned that the minutes would disappear into thin air. Ms Anne's cynical stares at my work was enough to cause nightmares and you know artists?...they can really scorn at one's helplessness at the brush.

Little did I know Ms Anne was going to be related to me later in life.

She is the auntie of my girls by marriage and Esther has inherited the Lau clan artistic inclinations....she loves painting and art just like daddy too. This Lau clan is famous in Muar for their artistry and believe it or is inherent and genetic! Lucky arty Esther.
Even as a child while her siblings were immersed in books , she would be holding colour pencils, water colours, scissors, colour papers, plastic straws and art blocks. She would patiently cut, paste, colour and draw...she mastered the art of great patience and was an OCD in some way. Perhaps it is this very streak in her that is helping her in whatever she is doing now...architecture.
Back for a year of sabbatical leave to fulfil her internship hours, daddy's offer of RM250.00 for a piece of canvas work must be too attractive to resist. So she diligently paints after work each day. We will see how long it lasts and how much she can achieve.

A peek at her work...

Not too bad? She is ambitious...many to complete in her agenda ...jangan hangat-hangat tahi ayam.

Anyway, it is really a blessing to be able to draw and paint.

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