Wednesday, June 3, 2009

An Ensemble of Talents

The Malaysian Choral Eisteddfod (festival)
30 May - 3 June
SMK Seafield had the privilege of hosting this year's choral festival in which it saw a whopping figure of over 400 children and youth participating in the various competitions and workshops organised by the Young Choral Academy of Kuala Lumpur right through last weekend till this very evening.
It was an evening of good vocal expression with well-known international tutors taking the challenge of training energetic youths within a short span of 2 days and producing a world class concert as the epitome of the event.
We saw musicians, teachers, parents and vibrant youths coming together for the love of music and spending the school holidays in well-meaning activities. It was indeed a privilege and the pride of the parents of children ranging from the tender age of 7 to teenagers and young adults to see them performing under the tutelage of renown conductors and musicians.
What I love about the festival was the arangement of activities throughout the week which included South East Asian Songs competition, school choir competitions and workshops to allow children and youths to experience coaching under established figures in the world of songs and music.

Susanna Saw, the mastermind behind this annual event for the past 6 years is a humble and talented lady ready to storm the Malaysian choir scene with her expertise and love for music. What is so heartening is that her effort has brought much meaning and gave many a chance to taste world class music. She has indeed done the country proud by stringing in world class musicians to the ordinary people. How many can have the opportunity to be trained under professional help if not for the concerted effort?

A choir so powerful in chords and vocal, this choir from the Philippines, the land of the singing people took first place in the competition. We were informed that they worked hard to raise funds for this trip and they had indeed trained hard too to take the first place. Their strong melodious voices and excellent delivery won the judges' hearts without a tinge of doubt. They ended their singing with :

...until we meet again, until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His Hand...

Next, the established artiste in the person of Dr. Wong Su San of Singapore took the helm and challenge of training children ranging from 7 to 12 and within a span of 2 days managed a performance that delighted and warmed the hearts of the audience. It was so refreshing to hear young voices and giving them a chance to perform in front of friends and parents.

They ended their singing with...

...So long farewell, auf weidesehen goodbye... the sun has gone to bed and so must I... goodbye...goodbye...goodbye...and they landed up on the shoulders of eager helpers...

This Professor received an applause that was due his what with his enthusiatic effort in bringing a choir of over 260 youth in a world-class performance for the evening. He is none other than Andre de Quadros, a professor of music, Director of the School of Music at Boston University and Artistic Director of the Tanglewood Institute...what a big name.

His conducting skill is the envy of many and the layman in me could not help but felt gratitude and joy of being invited for the evening to see this man perform. This year, Susanna related to me earlier in the evening, was special because they had an ensemble of 17 string instruments from the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra accompanying the 260- member strong choir. In other years, they only had the piano.

How many can sing with the accompaniment of such an ensemble? It was a real experience to perform under such an advantage and tonight was the first time ever in my life that I saw a choir of 260 youths singing as a choir! The number itself was so over whelming and the choir has brought meaningful and memorable time to the many who attended and participated.

These two were lead singers and sopranos!

Look at the size of the choir. Guess what they sang? A medley of 17th century English choruses which were sung during coronations of the British Monarchy and the Professor told us they will still be sung when Prince Charles is enthroned next!

...God save the King
Long live the King
May the King live forever
Amen...Hallelujah...Amen ...Halleleujah

Earlier in the day during my rounds in school, I was actually perplexed at the singing and was wondering why were the echoes of Hallelujah and Amen covering the school.

Pn Loy : Ah Chong, why so much Hallelujahs and Amens? Ngam Sai lu ...
Me : Part of the competition, I guess? Hallelujah, Hallelujah...Amen.

The evening ended with a resounding response in the singing of the theme song:
Used to dream of big things beyond my reach,
Now you're with me, We beat the same beat,
Now I see we can build any dream today,
It was an evening of great talents and meaningful encounters. I am ashamed now to recall that I had reluctantly accepted Pn Loh's invitation. Next year it will be held during the June break again in KL Art centre. Come one , come all...nothing to lose. The after taste is splendid.

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