Friday, August 6, 2010

The Piano

Was it a right decision?

Positioned at the foot of the stairways, the piano brought home memories of the past when I made it mandatory for my girls to pick up the musical skill. Being a young, frantic mum, it was only natural that all good things should come into the lives of your girls one of which was knowing how to play the piano.

When I was a little girl, being able to play the piano was not in my vocabulary as making ends meet was already a great challenge to my parents. I had dreams that my girls could play for the church and maybe teaching others to play it may grant them a good source of side income. How we dreamt !

To all new and incumbent mothers, I must warn you that things may not happen as planned. There are issues that may deter the noble gesture. Children would dread the daily nagging on proper fingerings on the keys, the daily discipline on practices and the exams ! They may meet teachers who would harp at the mothers for the children's lack of practice and the vicious cycle goes on. On top of everything else, it is an expensive affair. As the grade progresses, the cost also escalates.

I don't know how you would differ, but my hard earned money must result in the form of at least a certificate for each grade and an achievement that would serve its rightful purpose for future undertakings. But sad to say it led me to monstrous acts...screaming on top of my vocals to get them to practice and screaming louder whenever they failed a grade. Did I do wrong?

Grace, again being the eldest had the worst brunt as I had high expectations on her...she must pass her grade 8 and that she did which to my pride enabled her to play for services in church. I must admit I was less determined for her younger siblings as I became tired; really tired. I lost my my zest and let it be que sera sera...and that meant not insisting on achieving the last grade. Results? They never had the guts to play on any occasion outside the home and they played tunes to entertain themselves only. There goes my hard earned money. Or did I lose them?

Sara chided me on the way I handled them in the game. She suggested that I should not be so adamant on the achievement part and should chuck away the exams. Playing for pleasure should be the name of the game and not for anything else. Easier said than done ; playing away my hard earned money without a recognition on paper? It was unimaginable then.

They say it comes in different degrees of ease for every individual. Some like the piano better, are more obedient and perhaps more skillful. Others may not have innate musical inclinations and need more help and time. Perhaps my children fall in the second category and I should have not been so anxious. After all, what happens after all the exams? I can conclude here that perhaps they gain some knowledge in musical notes and expressions which have coloured their lives and that's part of growing up and enrichment. Just take it at that and you won't feel the pain of 'seeing your money going down the drain'. If finance is a constraint, not all girls need to learn the piano.

However I still feel seeing Grace through the last grade has added a plus point to her life. She has gained a confidence that her 2 younger siblings never had - to play in public. But I would not blame myself totally as it takes two to play a game. As Grace was obedient enough to follow my instructions she gained in her own way. The other 2 did not want to go on ; so I gave up. I seldom give up in life but the journey was arduous. Did I make the wrong decision?

On the other hand, I console myself. It's not a matter of life or death. Just some food for thought and to prepare young mothers who are planning to start the game with their young children. Good luck. I wonder how my children will handle this later in life. Perhaps they may not even begin with their own ? That will send me reeling in despair !

At an occasion, the girls met their teacher who taught them in the lower grades ; Aunt Lynnette. While the teacher was so super proud of them, she brought back memories linked to practices, practices, practices!

May you have better luck with the piano in your future undertakings!

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