Sunday, August 1, 2010


You know what ratiocination means?

The dictionary says logical and methodical reasoning.
It is not often used but it can substitute reasoning.
Why not use it occasionally? I learnt the use of it by reading Grace's fb. I am wondering what kinda of logical deductions she's making now but I pray they are good ones.

Sometimes not getting what we may think is best is a blessing in disguise.

I spoke to Puan Chow about her son, Simon also an ex-Seafieldian who has just been offered a medical place in the local Monash University. I congratulated her on her dedicated upbringing of her child and it has been quite a journey for mother and child.
When mothers get together we inevitably talk about the children's career path and the very next issue will definitely be on financial arrangements. There has been talk that JPA offers financial aid even for twinning programmes with overseas partners such as Monash, Nottingham and others and she hopes that Simon will be given such aid. Perhaps an alternative will be the PTPN loan and the financial management will be easier set.

Here ratiocination comes in.

If JPA offers a scholarship he may have to serve the mandatory 10 years of service but he gets to have an 'overseas' degree done locally ; affordable and comfortable.

If JPA offers no scholarship, perhaps a loan can be funded from PTPN. He gets the loan and repays minimally when he starts work. Dad and mum can save a sum and gets interest from the bank. At the same time, with a Monash degree, perhaps he can serve elsewhere after graduation ; no bonds.

What will you do? What will you do?

Out of curiosity, what about the rest after SPM? Some are offered overseas medical programmes in India, Ukraine, Russia, Indonesia and then to be bonded for 10 years after graduation. Of course those who have been offered places in the Ivy League group which involves heavy financial funding will find it worthwhile and their mandatory service is their social obligation to the poor tax payers of the nation. Yet, many did not honour their pledge.

Perhaps those SPM leavers who have been offered the 'second tier' scholarships of completing the degree through the twinning programmes can be better off than some as they will be awarded prestigious degrees obtained locally.

What will you do? To apply for a scholarship overseas into institutions not of your choice or to do a local twinning programme which is internationally recognised ? What will you aim for?

So the next time you apply for a JPA scholarship, do some ratiocination.

Do I want to get a Manipal/Russian/Indonesian degree done overseas or a Monash/Nottingham degree done locally?

I am pleased some who left for overseas medical programmes pop by to have their degrees certified for their housemanships occasionally. Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed when your protegee knock on your door and still address you 'teacher' after all those years?

Last week , Dr. Jessica Saw said Hi...back from Ukraine.

Her comrade Dr. Tan Wei Lun (I hope I got it right) also smilingly said ... 'teacher, it was tough ah'...but he still made it.

They told me that they are from Nizar's and Dr. Angeline Khoo's batch . Congratulations for making a point to complete the degree and now back to serve the nation.

A couple of weeks ago Dr. Angeline caught me on fb and chatted with me while on call. I was so thrilled but we were cut off abruptly and later messaged me to bade goodnight.

Angeline, good girl.

Oh, ratiocinations...

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