Thursday, February 17, 2011

All About Feet

He came and spoke greetings of the Lunar New Year...

He made me laugh with his new mode of wearing his socks. Why did he do that? He said it was the latest...I gave him an ang pow for making me laugh.

Look at how one solves problems... oh no it's nothing hideous. It's the daughter trying to keep her feet clean when the slippers gave way. Do fathers really carry their daughters through the toughest moments in life? Good fathers do.

Yesterday I met a father who told me that somehow his daughter shares more with him than with his wife. He also told me that his sons share more with his wife. Unlike poles attract? Or is it because girls do not like to be nagged about? I can't really get my girls to do what I want at times however logical I can be. So, the solution is to use dad...hahaha I still have the final weapon, girls.

Of feet and daddies carrying their daughters through life !

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