Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Sad Case

So Lost

He walked into the school asking for a friend with no name. When under investigation, he revealed the name of the school he was from but which was non-existent. You are afraid to chase him away because he looked so disturbed. Then you probed further and managed to contact someone through a name card he was holding to be told that he was only an occasional walk-in customer to the gift store.
So what do you do next? He needed help. But how do we help him? He gave personal information which you fear may not be all truthful. He refused to reveal the names of his parents and connoted that they were not around to assist him...but we managed to put him under good hands so that we too could go home knowing someone has taken control of him.

Of late reports are many of suicidal cases and unfortunate endings to some who did not seem able to find solutions to problems and challenges facing them. Some who are sick with physical ailment fight hard to live while others with physically-abled bodies give up so easily in life.
So, we must be more alert in school to scout around for such cases. Of all who play the most crucial roles in their lives are the parents, siblings and friends.

Not only teenagers but adults too are finding their earthly existence laborious and difficult going. There must be more meaning to life. Maybe we can start right here. Extend a caring attitude and we may just save someone. A good place is the school. I hope to let the children know that it is important to be kind to friends and teachers around them. I have seen and heard of teachers breaking down under the stress of managing students in class. It is a vicious cycle.

But there is still hope. I have seen almost hopeless cases end well before they leave the gates of the school through the cooperation of parents and teachers. We hope for this to happen for all those familiar to us. Let's just try the kind gesture.

Help them.

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