Friday, February 25, 2011

What A Day!

I started the day elated !
100 % attendance for the teachers.
Felt so good.
Congratulations teachers.
You made my day.
No need to do relief...

Thank you for starting the day right.

But it was also a day that my heart was most tugged...

Esther left for Melbourne again...
Have fun in Melbourne again...
She came to school to bade me adios and later texted me :
"Bye mummy! Just got onto the plane. Rachel offered to pick me..."
I replied "Answered prayers".
She must know that this morning I woke up at 5am to pray for 2 matters.
One, that someone would offer to pick her at the airport.
Two, that my friends who are going through tough times will be helped by stronger hands ...
let the strong help the weak.

So, God answered my first prayer. Thank you Rachel for timely help. Esther told me last night it would be too much to ask of anyone to pick her at midnight. Little did she know my heart ached for someone to help her for I dread to think of her travelling alone to the apartment in a public cab.

God is good.
I promise to continue to pray for my second cause; believe it or not.

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