Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Hike

Everything Up !

Once a year I believe consumers are afraid of this impending hike ... be it hair dressing or dress making services and even the Pasar Tani folks would not let us go.

For the last couple of weeks it was almost impossible to get sea prawns and I had occasionally told the fishmonger that they had been hiding the items in view of the coming festive season. He denied vehemently saying the catch was low.

Well, this morning as usual on Sundays, I would make my way to the Pasar Tani and lo and behold everything was up! Even ordinary fishes seemed to cost more and suddenly I saw them... the prawns all packed neatly in boxes.

So young man ... how much does it cost? "Teacher, teacher, only RM50.00" He addresses me that way in my encounters with him. Why the price? "Teacher, I have no choice la . I got it from the wholesalers at that range la."

Not only were the prawns expensive, all other sea food cost more this morning. They told us they would be off for the next week ; so it's either we get it now or never!

I was upset and so I retorted , " So, it's one year one time affair ah? Now you've got me under your sleeve eh?"

"No la teacher...nevermind, never mind, I give you a dollar less?"

Oh, of prices and the festive season.

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