Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Let's Go Fly A Kite

Fly Kite

It's not a cliche one would want to be associated with but we really had fun this break flying kites both young and old ! Who says we don't love fun of the old?

There's a new craze in Muar Tanjung Agas where vendors are making quite a buck selling kites!

Esther is the epitome of fun...never a moment of quiet ; always looking for fun...so she blew...

Perhaps even greater than fun itself is dad. His childhood memories of fun and rugged games took the better hold of him and he took his 3 girls for kite flying lessons.

Grace took the opportunity to belt out :

Oh, oh oh !
Let's go fly a kite
Up to the highest height!
Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring
Up through the atmosphere
Up where the air is clear
Let's go fly a kite!

That's the good part of soaking them with classic movies like Mary Poppins ! Really when you teach, some lessons stay for life .

The girls encountered a problem that could not be avoided though - getting the kites stuck on trees! So often the thrill of flying the kite was rudely dismissed when that happened.

So clever daddy found a solution ! Flying the kite on the grounds of Por's condominium.

The surrounding tress were low and did not pose so great a hazard and so the song continued...

When you send it flyin' up there
All at once you're lighter than air
You can dance on the breeze
Over 'ouses and trees
With your fist 'olding tight
To the string of your kite...Oh, oh, oh...

"With your fist 'olding tight to the string of your kite" ... daddy told me 2 important words :


It dawned upon me immediately on the way we should try and help our children. We learn to release them into the world and pull them back a little when we offer advice. If we fail to release then they cannot fly high enough to achieve and that may be sad. Uncle Choy commented that even if we release there must be a platform for them to climb...just like that breeze. Without that breeze the kite won't fly. So he said it's God's divine intervention that is important ... that breeze. How appropriate !

Picking up mistakes and putting them back to order is always dad's forte. Here we see dad climbing walls and crossing roads to pick up the fallen kites when the strings broke. Yes, he's always the one to do it. Never letting things go without first finding a solution. We had fun at dad's sacrifice... 'daddy, daddy, the string broke...' You need to be a daddy to know his feelings when he hears his girls' cries.

It was absolute fun to feel the kite flying when you hold the string as though the kite is really under your control but strangely enough even though it may be flying high at one point ; it could at the same time just lose the momentum at some other moments and the disaster occurs...so similar to life's ups and downs. Flying the kite actually evoked a lot of self searching moments.

This inquisitive mama here being a KLite all her life could not resist the fun too ! Hei mama be careful...the little girl may just turn out to be a tomboy!

So today I released my 2 daughters...one to Singapore and the other to Melbourne. Girls, fly your kites well...tug and release... and do what is appropriate. Jeremiah 29 : 11-14 are for you both.

Back home resting on the walls...dad's great innovation...reminders of fun. We'll fly again when the girls are back.


this girl said...

i especially like this post :)
i hope that more parents will learn to tug and release like how you've expressed so eloquently in this post :)

Puan Chong said...

Hi Keshia, glad u like the post. U have lovely parents. Love them.