Wednesday, September 15, 2010

An Architectural Feat

You have to pardon my sense of direction but I believe this place is somewhere near OG close to Bugis Street. After a hurried walk across Bugis Street with Grace and Sara we got out of the spot awed by this building.

Dad was mesmerised by it and took every opportunity to view the building from all angles but each time he did that, it looked flat - like a TV. He has never seen anything like this before and tried to figure out its formation. Wow, this is something.

In a natural resource poor country like Singapore, she has in her plans that everything done must be explicit and architecturally exquisite ; a survival of the foetus proposition.

That's part of life on this island.


Jian Wei Ang said...

Hi Pn Chong,

I am not too sure if you do remember me but I'm a friend of Sara's. Thought I'll just jump in and leave a comment about that building with the sharp edge. It may be architecturally pleasing, but it isn't so from a Feng Shui perspective.

I'm not sure if you noticed, but there is a plot of barren land directly in front of those sharp edges. And it's quite a big plot of land too, I must say. So the natural question would be: Why is this plot of land, in the middle of a prime real estate left abandoned?

According to most of the Singaporean Chinese who do take Feng Shui into account, anything that stands in the path of that sharp edge will be inflicted with bad luck. Thus, the owner who built the immediate building in front of the sharp edges [I'm not too sure if it is a hotel or a commercial building] decided to install some "counter-designs." If you noticed at the top of the brown building: there are a few statues with a huge globe in their hands.

Purportedly, this stops the bad chi from afflicting them. The flip side is, the chi accumulates on the barren land between these two buildings. That's why till one can seem to sell this piece of prime real estate.


Pretty fascinating, no? Cultural elements affecting modern architectural designs and societal behaviours.

Puan Chong said...

Hellooo...wa very informative. I did not look into those aspects; only superficial prospects. Anyway, thank you for the many extras you have enlightened us.Are you working in Spore?