Friday, April 16, 2010

Tupperwares of Love

A Mother's Love
It is interesting to hear children talk of their mothers in class. They tell me that they have been too fussed over by their mamas and call them naggers ; " Why can't they just leave us alone and let us grow up? They keep asking us to do this and not to do that; they are such naggers!"

Oh I am a mama and I told them this :

Do you know that we are always our mama's child who needs care and love at whatever age? Strange that we never seem to grow up enough in their eyes. They will at any opportunity pamper you with food, gifts and at times monetary assistance. They take pains to call you, talk to you and even hearing your voice is a great assurance of peace that you are safe and fine.
Mamas love to know that their children are happy, comfortable and favoured by people around them.
You are in the recesses of their minds day and night. At anytime given the space, they give some thoughts to every child's needs and problems and ponder quietly over what's best for them. A mother's love knows no boundaries. Every child has different needs and wants and mamas sometimes weep over difficult moments the children go through...

"Oh...they become even more exasperated...another mama in the class!"

But I love my mama. Tupperwares of love I receive from her everyday. She called one evening:
"Poh, I have bought 2 latest looks of the tupperware family. One is for you to bring to school and the other is for the children's dad to bring to his site."
You see, my mama at 85 still treats me like a daughter who is 25 ; but I am far beyond that. I have been thinking about the tupperwares for many days. I am grateful that my mama still is able to meet my needs though she need not. She is very caring and my children may have tasted of it from me though at times a little too much for their liking.
If I have shown them love, it is because I have learnt it from my mama.
If I have sacrificed anything for my girls, it is because I have learnt it from my mama.
If I need to make their lives more comfortable, it is because I have learnt it from my mama.
If I have learnt to pray and weep for my girls, it is because I have learnt it from my mama.
My mama and her love overwhelm me each day. I can only gratefully say :
"I am glad I am still a child who needs plenty of love from you when you are already 85 and I am 55. Thank you mama for the tupperwares of love."

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