Friday, October 29, 2010



Teachers are supposed to entertain and stage programs that will draw the interest and attention of their protege during this time of the year.
The Post PMR challenge is really greater than normal daily teaching. The poor counsellors of the school scratch their heads and wear their thinking caps to sustain the children.

Parents' expectations are high. They expect the school to come out with the best ever programs to keep their children out of trouble and get upset if their children play truant and skip school. But alas; it sure is a great effort everyday...

These young and boisterous ones are all ears and eyes if you are entertaining and interesting enough; otherwise they get bored and get us teachers into trouble!

The counsellor is versatile. He has to be. He comes out with ideas and games which cause the children to laugh and clap happily. We have to keep the examination classes away from them. Their laughter is contagious and may just cause others to lose concentration! That will be detrimental!

Look at them. Shoes, socks, bottles, watches, coins, shoe laces, family photo...everything out.

Now what are they up to in groups?

Of course the green factor . Recycle. To wear costumes through recycling efforts.

Some entertain themselves by dancing...ring a ring of roses; a pocket full of roses ; atishoo !

The more aspiring ones repair and repaint. They even repainted the walkway outside the school! Thanks to Madam Ng.

This one is scrapping off old paint and replacing it with newer one. Creative fun.

And more and more to come in the weeks ahead.

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