Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Mother's Prayer

The plea before God.

Each time I am in contact with my mum she will say this : every morning and night I commit all my children into the Lord's hands. I pray for their well-being, health, safety, financial situations and ability to go through the challenges of life. I ask for peace from the Lord for my children.
She strongly believes that our gracious God hears the prayers of a humble mama and extends His hands in answer.
My mother always says that he prays for dad (my children's father) that all his clients will pay him in good time and not play him out and keeps him in prayer each day.
All mothers love to see their children safe and strong ; don't we?

When our children make mistakes, we help rectify the situation; hoping they will learn great lessons.
When they are at crossroads, be it carreers, relationships and friendships, we offer advice that may bring light.
We unrelentlessly commit them into God's hands that should perils and dangers come to them, He will shield them from harm.
When it comes to matters of the heart, we ask for God's divine intervention and preservation; that which should be done will happen.
When they go through challenges we pray for strength and stamina.
When we see them happy and adjusted we beam before the Lord in gratitude.
Somehow, somewhere there is divine help when God sends angels to help our children wherever they may be . Do you believe? I do. I believe God surrounds our childen with angels and keeps them protected when we commit them to the Lord each day.
Psalm 121 ; our prayer O Lord for our children.

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