Friday, December 31, 2010
Bye 2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Today is almost the last day of 2010...tomorrow is the last. Malaysia won in the game last night so tomorrow is declared a public holiday...Malaysia memang apa pun boleh!
As far as my memory can stretch, dad and I started working immediately after we graduated from our studies ; some 32 years ago? 2010 was a year of hard work too. I can say we are hard workers. We work diligently, faithfully and conscientiously in whatever capacity we are entrusted. It is this spirit that is within us; to try to do what is right and do it well.
Last week after the Christmas celebration, we woke up and looked at each other. We cannot deny seeing strands of graying hair all over our heads , not excluding tired and aching bodies. When do we call it a day, pa? I asked. Dad shook his head, shrugged his shoulders and in reply to my question quietly said " I don't know".On the way to school today, dad called me; " Are you home? " No, I replied. "Why?" He asked why is it I cannot stay home a day? I told him my body and mind has been tuned to work and I don't know what to do at home.
"Why wassup? You have something important to tell me? I can always turn back." Dad is hardy and withstand with grit whatever comes his way. "Oh... my ex-boss called me. He is calling me back again ." I think this is the third time he called after dad left for his own small enterprise. This boss is not an easy one...expects the utmost and can stand no nonsense. He must have a hard time finding the right candidate for him to invite dad after 10 years. Dad was told that it is difficult to find people who work with grit and responsibility. The younger ones are not interested in getting themselves dirty and attitudes are different. I see that in school too.
How come the almost retiring teachers are working as though there is no limit to work? The school is fortunate to have them. With almost very little self interest at stake, the teachers with few complaints perform their chores dutifully and aspire to give their best to the children. I see a colleague who after a minor surgery still trudge on and gives her best. What can I say to her? Take leave please. But I already know her answer.
So, the cycle goes on and on. Now I also see my up and coming nephews slogging in their youth ; they do not know there is no such thing as complete rest and retirement. I saw dad in the same position some 30 years ago; when will this ever end? The strife in life...
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The Blood Ties
This is a pic taken in 2006 in Germany showing the grand parents and their grand daughters. Somehow the girls have a soft spot in the hearts of the old folks. First, it is because they are girls and are often associated with the vulnerability factor and secondly, they are able to win their hearts with thoughtful gestures. So Kong and Por very frequently would call and ask about the well-being of their grand daughters and the calls speak volumes of their constant care and love for them.
This evening Por called me thrice...and it was all about Grace.
Having spent the Christmas break in Singapore with my sister's family, they nevertheless included Grace in their holiday activities there. Por related that they had fun in Singapore and was glad that Grace could be with them for the whole of yesterday after her call. She further told me that they had a wonderful dinner together and after a day of fun, they eventually had to drop her off at her apartment.
The story started there. She shed tears over the phone because dropping her off at the apartment alone broke both Kong's and her heart. They could not bear to see her go off alone and was afraid that being alone in Singapore was just too hard on her. I told her she is an adult and should be able to handle her own life. But ... no she said. She insisted that I should go down more often and accompany her. I told her I will ; in due time. Then she started to ask about Sara and Esther. I told her they were home helping daddy and that was consolation to her. My mother loves deeply and dearly. I know she will be calling again and talk about Grace for the next few days.
Me to dad : Do you think Grace is suffering there?
But daughters never grow up in a mama's heart, do they? Por thinks I am only a child even at my age and yet we have got to learn to worry less...and remind Por to cry less.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The Infamous Gap
How much more does he need to disagree? This was a question put forward to me as I visited the wet market a couple of days ago.
It's a privilege to walk around the market and meet many vendors... be it the fishmonger, butcher, vegetable or beef sellers for they are the parents of present and past students of the school. They acknowledge you with much respect and tell you if the fish is not fresh and won't even allow you to purchase it. They are afraid that you may come back to them to complain or maybe as a gesture of genuine gratitude for having taught their children.
Sometimes I do meet my students helping out in the sales and it gives you a good feeling to see them lending their parents a hand.I stopped at a particular fish stall and asked for the price of squid and after I had chosen a couple I persuaded him to clean and cut neatly for me. As usual, I started a conversation and asked about his children. He told me he has a problem with the eldest boy. Oh why?
He lamented that he does not understand his boy's sleeping habits and reiterated that for sure his son would still be in bed when he gets home after business by noon. He further said that when he comes back each night around midnight, his son would make his way out and be in bed only in the wee hours of the morning. Why oh why ? Can't he son sleep normally?
Next when I asked him what his boy was studying at the moment, he in a disappointed tone replied, " Japanese cartoon drawings" ( he must mean manga). "What future can one have in this kind of career? How is he going to raise a family with such a vocation? I would be happy if he could just take a skill-based vocation like being a car mechanic. My son is sensitive and thinks the world of his friends ; right or wrong. Now he wants to go to Japan to further his studies on his drawings. I hope he won't turn out to be like his artist uncle who has the oddest behaviour and is an anti-social !"
I could only comfort him by saying that drawing is also skill-based and many bosses look for such talents. He may just one day find his niche and make it. He laughed cynically and asked me how many artists make it in life ? He has resigned to the fact that his son is adamant about the drawing vocation and that he could only try to save as much as he could should he fail to get any financial aid from the government. He still loves his son dearly despite the differences and disagreements.
I left the stall feeling the plight of the father and only to be told ..." Are you a teacher from Seafield? My son is from your school..." Aha ; food for thought indeed.
I came home to notice the shoes worn so frivolously by the girls...heels of umpteen inches which could probably cause the worst knee and ankle aches. How does one wear those things?

The girls have at least half a dozen each of shoes of high-heeled nature...I squirm each time I imagine myself in them.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Feast Again!
Sara's mini pies served with vanilla ice cream ; very nice.
The evening ended with some of us singing the carols ; something which dad loves especially when Grace played the piano and as he struggled with the guitar.
Christmas 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
A Warm Eve

Yes, dinner is prepared...do no be alarmed by the burnt look; tasted perfect.
This potato dish is palatable and difficult to forget...
Dad says I am so Chinese and am so lost with Christmas preparations ; so he took over and dinner was really wonderful.
But the evening is made most perfect with the presence of the girls from all over.
Glad to have them home with us.
We had surprises ! Grace is generous to us...thank you girl.
The Prince of Peace
"As much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men."
Today again I am reminded of John 14:27...Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you.
Jesus told us to turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, forgive offences, reject greed, tolerate each other's weaknesses, live to serve and love one another as he loved us.
It is indeed true when I ponder over a statement in today's Daily Bread which says...it seems that in large part, peace is up to us. Yes, indeed this Christmas may there be peace among family members and friends and make peace our gift to the world as we reflect on the life of the Prince of Peace.

I see with wonder at the attractive number of gifts 'poured out' in this Christmas decor and associate it with the gift of peace that is promised in John 14:27. I hope to walk as taught and may it also be reflected in the peace in the home.

Esther, the diligent one wraps gifts for others and may peace be with her wherever she goes.
Grace, the ever busy one serves others and may she bring peace to others in her service.
May the peace of God be upon us all as we commemorate the birth of Christ with family members and friends this season.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The Winter Solstice
In geographical terms , the winter Solstice refers to the position of the sun being over the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere resulting in the days being longer than nights. So, it's not surprising that the further South one goes, the shorter the night hours and it's no wonder that my brother who is in Melbourne experiences long summer days and it's bright even at 9pm.
However Sara says in the UK , days become dark at the start of 3pm. So the nights are longer than days in the Northern Hemisphere. It's the result of the movement of the earth around the sun.
This knowledge I have passed down to generations after generations of students when I taught geography in my younger days.
But today , 22 December marks a special day in the Lunar Calendar too. It is "Dong Zhi" - the Winter Festival which denotes the end of the Winter season and the start of Spring. It's the last festival of the Lunar Year before the Chinese New Year.
When I was a little girl, mama used to make a sweet soup filled with glutinous balls to usher in the celebration of an additional year to our age. Tradition has it that the family that rolls the glutinous balls together stays glued together. That was so long ago...
Today, Por and Kong stopped over for a trip to Penang. Por told me she has long discarded the celebration as no one is around for them to remember the occasion. So after 27 years of marriage, this is the first time I have them with me and I thought perhaps I should have a go with the sweet.
I bought these ready made glutinous balls at the wet market. Clever me thinks it's so easy until the critical Sara scorned at my easy way out..." Mama what's the meaning of getting ready made balls? Do it yourself la !"
Ugh !I would not want to go through the hassle..."You make la since you think you are so smart!" I regretted the moment I uttered for she took my word for it.
But my screams fell on deaf ears; as usual.
She would not let it go...the balls were rolled and she insisted hers is of higher quality than the ones I bought at the market.

That's how it looks after the boil. What do you think is the verdict ?

I added the rest into the sweet concoction and they look so pretty!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Congratulations !
Monday, December 20, 2010
Oh Babies !

Even if you are used to only allow the beds to be properly tucked up each morning, you will now concede to mattresses being laid in public areas like the living room ; plus pillows, bolsters, blankets ; anything and everything as long as the baby gets the best rest, company and play.

And of course who can forget the toys? Educational and non-educational ones as well. So boxes and boxes of them are stacked at some corners ready to be taken out at any time for entertainment and education. Ha...when you used to scream when a chair is misplaced you have indeed acquired a huge pack of patience and tolerance as now you can stand any degree of untidiness.

A, B, C, D, E, F... when the child continues with G...oh mine it's like you have struck lottery for the day ! So grand nephew Jay entertained Esther with his tremendous effort at pronouncing WWW and LLL but nevertheless still clever la. You teach and teach like never before for the child must acquire the most and the best ! Parents are blackmailed by them...
Saturday, December 18, 2010
The Hookah

I first noticed them a couple of months ago when I had supper at one of the mamak stalls in SS15 Subang Jaya. Boys and girls ; mostly teens were gathered around tables chatting and puffing long tubes of smoke. The whole place turned smoky with them sharing the pipe amongst one another. I thought the pipes looked so middle-eastern and why were they so loved by the youths? Wasn't it a form of smoking too? But it's happening among very young teens. I have never seen it so commonly used before. When did it become so popular?

Last night while out for a steam boat meal with the family, I was again appalled to see so many youths gathering in a local coffee shop playing cards, chatting and sharing the Shisha. This time I took a shot with permission of the owner and he was amused that I was so keen in the pipe.

He demonstrated on how the pipe was used and told me that he was actually smoking flavoured tobacco. The flavoured tobacco was placed above water and covered by pierced foil with hot coals placed on top and the smoke was drawn through cold water to cool and filter it. He actually showed me how it was done and laughed at my astonished look. I thought such practices are meant for the old as a pastime and not among youths.
I had a quick glance into the coffee shop and saw so many teens and youths ; both boys and girls puffing away the same pipe openly as they passed it around. Now, I am going to sound very old fashioned. Should they be doing that? Oh it's only a social pastime; I shouldn't be alarmed by it.
But I had a small heart attack because I saw an ex-student doing it with his friends happily puffing and playing cards ; oblivious of my stare. I hope he will not be too addicted to it. Anything with long term puffing will cause some harm?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Chase
Elsewhere in the local papers, there are pages and pages of advertisements promoting opportunities for pre university and diploma programmes. Parents are their best clients now. Concerned fathers and mothers take time off to find the best combination of subjects and career path for their loved ones. It is indeed a shoppers' paradise as there are so many choices and looking for a right one is a challenge.
I was in that position before. Soon after the SPM was over, I took my girls to the colleges to look for a package that best suited them.
Esther from the very beginning was rather sure of her inclination. Something to do with art... architecture was the best choice then. So the most practical decision was to enrol her in a programme with that in mind. Since the course seemed to demand a hands on start off, I thought a diploma programme would be fine. However, on the hind side, other preU programmes may also lead her into the course and at the same time, she could afford to change her mind should she decide against the earlier choice. So, think about what I have said.
Sara was adamant from the beginning. Though a strong student academically, she declined any course to do with Science. So, it was an Arts preU programme. I saw Law for her but till this day she still insists I was the persistent one ; channelling her into a course not out of her absolute choice but mine...so be it. With Law in mind, we agreed that we could not run away from the A levels programme. To A levels she went. It was a good choice for her. She fitted into the exam-orientated programme like a glove as she loved exams!
However even when all the preU programmes were different, I think I did not do too badly with my choices. Every child is different and their degree of tolerance for exams and project works differ too. Ask them. I believe all three have gone into programmes that met their tolerance threshold. Esther is so hands on and project inclined ; Sara loves year end exams and detests projects and Grace as usual is 50:50. So they were relatively successful in the programmes that they enrolled in. I am glad.
Therefore before you pick a preU programme, know your child well. If the child is not academically inclined, go for diploma or vocational ones. You will be surprised how well they will fare there. Otherwise go for more demanding ones that are more academic-inclined with the latest popular choice being the International Baccalaureate programme. So, be wise and realistic in your choice. We have to cut the coat according to the cloth. A right choice will mean less headaches and heartaches and cost-saving too.
But perhaps the greatest headache and heartache is when your child does not qualify for any preU programme. Why is it so? For those in school especially in the SPM year, they have been warned, counselled and advised on the need to do well enough in the year end exam to qualify for preU Programmes before the actual results are released. Parents face the brunt when they find their children cannot be accepted in colleges even if they can afford to pay.
Yes, this time it's really money can't buy you everything.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sister Esther chipped in her creative help too.

The unsung hero of course is none other than Allie who is never tired of cleaning their mess. Yes she loves to see them at work ; not even a sound of complaint. Never mind about the mess as long as they are home to entertain her.

Sugary gingerbread for a special touch to the house. Now it sits on the dining table to be savoured in by friends and loved ones. A first attempt at the delight of dad. He casually asked if it was my idea. NO...too much mess but as it is; I must learn to be more cooperative. I must take in all the mess with patience, admiration and give them room to express themselves. So, I have kept a smile and my mouth shut.