Friday, December 10, 2010

Coming Home


Dad tells me that it doesn't snow all the time in the UK. Some winters are snowless but some may be snowy. Sara's first winter experience is the snowy one. But she says it can snow on one day and the next it's back to normal. The ding dong weather has caused her confusion and her body says it's hot even if it's 18 degrees. So she is only cold when it's below 10 degrees. Funny how the body gets itself adjusted. But she longs for the sun.

So mama says come home even though she's away only for 65 days. My Sara's coming home in less than 86 hours ! Looking forward to seeing the girls together again.

Strange as the girls grow up, it's getting so difficult to be together as a family. Last night dad and I realised that though the girls are back for the year end holidays, they won't be with us during the Chinese New Year. But we must already be grateful that we at least have them back for the holidays.

Hope to have a warm gathering and treasure moments with them.

Thank God for holidays.

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