Thursday, December 30, 2010


When does it happen ?
Sunset years?

Today is almost the last day of 2010...tomorrow is the last. Malaysia won in the game last night so tomorrow is declared a public holiday...Malaysia memang apa pun boleh!

As far as my memory can stretch, dad and I started working immediately after we graduated from our studies ; some 32 years ago? 2010 was a year of hard work too. I can say we are hard workers. We work diligently, faithfully and conscientiously in whatever capacity we are entrusted. It is this spirit that is within us; to try to do what is right and do it well.

Last week after the Christmas celebration, we woke up and looked at each other. We cannot deny seeing strands of graying hair all over our heads , not excluding tired and aching bodies. When do we call it a day, pa? I asked. Dad shook his head, shrugged his shoulders and in reply to my question quietly said " I don't know".

Yea, as long as our bodies and minds permit us, we will go on ?

On the way to school today, dad called me; " Are you home? " No, I replied. "Why?" He asked why is it I cannot stay home a day? I told him my body and mind has been tuned to work and I don't know what to do at home.

"Why wassup? You have something important to tell me? I can always turn back." Dad is hardy and withstand with grit whatever comes his way. "Oh... my ex-boss called me. He is calling me back again ." I think this is the third time he called after dad left for his own small enterprise. This boss is not an easy one...expects the utmost and can stand no nonsense. He must have a hard time finding the right candidate for him to invite dad after 10 years. Dad was told that it is difficult to find people who work with grit and responsibility. The younger ones are not interested in getting themselves dirty and attitudes are different. I see that in school too.

How come the almost retiring teachers are working as though there is no limit to work? The school is fortunate to have them. With almost very little self interest at stake, the teachers with few complaints perform their chores dutifully and aspire to give their best to the children. I see a colleague who after a minor surgery still trudge on and gives her best. What can I say to her? Take leave please. But I already know her answer.

So, the cycle goes on and on. Now I also see my up and coming nephews slogging in their youth ; they do not know there is no such thing as complete rest and retirement. I saw dad in the same position some 30 years ago; when will this ever end? The strife in life...

No wonder in the book of Ecclesiastes it asks if all what we are striving for is a
'chasing after the wind?'

But it is also very encouraging when in Ecclesiastes 5 : 19 it says...

...when God gives any man wealth and possessions and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work - this is a gift of God. He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart." Amen.

So...retirement at bay for the moment.

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