Thursday, November 11, 2010


Lamai Beach

Koh Samui thrives on her lovely beaches; most of which still seem unspoilt. A walk early in the morning was therapeutic as you get to reflect on matters when you witness the simple lifestyle the local folks observe. A member of the group casually asked if it was better to be less rich and live on the island or to have the pocket filled with dough to the brim and live in Kuala Lumpur. Many among us opted for the former. At our age, it is not difficult to realise that to live a life to the fullest is better to strive for riches and not have the pleasure to live a life out.

All along the beach were banners selling products of all nature and as long as clients walk in to fill their coffers for the day.

I wondered at the onslaught of a possible tsunami after it hit the other parts of the ocean and was quick to remember that Koh Samui was sheltered; being positioned in a gulf that was not facing the route of the big wave. It was a relief because we were quite uneasy about the rainy skies and floods around the island.

Look at the dogs - golden retriever, poodle...all tagging behind the master. It was a refreshing scenario as I seldom witnessed it. It also gave us a sense of relaxation and took our stress away.

Far beyond the skies, the boundary seems endless and that's the uncertainty we face in our life on earth. Honestly, to go through each day without divine help and grace would be difficult.

Dad raced to a piece of rock and stood there long. He could be reminiscing days of old when we first went to Pulau Rawa in Johor in 1982 and were mesmerised. We actually said we would bring the children back to Pulau Rawa but we have yet to fulfill it.

Then we walked on the sands barefooted. How else could one walk ? Our feet sank into the soft sand and left footprints and it led dad to read the lyrics of a famous poem :


"I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints ;

I don't understand why in times when I needed you most, you should leave me."...

The Lord replied, ...

"When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

This is the same love parents have for their children. We extend our help, protection, guidance and love in order that they be shielded from the stormy seas and thunders.

Yet it is the Divine One that promises us hope and grace for us to go through each day.

Thank You dear God.

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