Saturday, November 13, 2010


The sounds of the entourage...
No, it's not any of my girls ... yet.
It's the girl next door !

Whose daughter now?

The excited 'Ji Mui ' looking at the groom who had just arrived with his ' Heng Tai ' ... oh how was he going to win the bride now? The 'Ji Mui ' (girlfriends of the bride) looked too smart for his liking. They might have tricks too tough for him to handle. But he survived of course.

Yes, it's pretty Szi Szi.

Szi Szi married to Tho Wei.

Friends from secondary school days ; still friends and Grace is the leader of the bridesmaids.

Oh... Sunrise; Sunset

Is this the little girl I carried (knew) ?

I don't remember growing older
When did she?

When did she get to be a beauty?
Wasn't it yesterday
when she was small?

Sunrise, Sunset
Sunrise, Sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to flowers
Blossoming even as we gaze...

Oh, time surely flew.

We were in the company of this young family for the dinner. These boys may look young but they are real machos. Brother in the centre is eldest and when mummy was away talking to friends, he piled up food for her. He is a joy to observe for he took care of his mummy well.

This guy is in Standard 5 but he is so well-mannered. He might not have the opportunity to serve his mummy as his brother was doing that. So make a good guess...he served me. I was amazed at his polite ways and could not help but sing praises to the mum. She sure has her way with them . Perfect behaviour at the table. It was a joy to be in their company.

Once again. Congratulations to the bride and groom. Happy for them and it was a pleasure to hear the groom vowing that he would love and look after his lovely bride all the days of his life.

Vows are to be kept.

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