Saturday, September 5, 2009

Of chopsticks, forks and spoons

Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation

The branch in USJ9 was relocated to USJ10 Subang Jaya last week and her guests on the opening day were greeted with a gift pack each.

Wrapped in a silver casing, my first impression was that it must be a writing instrument... so common to the public as gifts. But I was mistaken.

It was casing a pair of chopsticks and a set of fork and spoon. The gift got me thinking.
Why utilities?

Several ideas cropped up...
  • they were articles that were related to food consumption and very essential partners to complement a meal ; money-related

  • they could also mean that the bank will look after money matters of her patrons and an unstated pact that they will help customers churn further wealth

  • the chopsticks so connected to the Chinese and East Asian nations may also denote that a big chunk of her patrons are Chinese... and the fork and spoon may mean an extension of their services to the non- Chinese ; an effort to capture a new market

  • but I have been informed by the older generation that when the Chinese first left China for greener pastures over the South China Seas, OCBC associated herself with them with a common language, culture and maybe ... trust ?

  • my conclusion however is whatever noble causes that the bank may embrace, I am very sure she is a money-making concern and makes her wealth first before you make yours...

Appropriate gifts to remind her patrons that the stomach must be filled up under all circumstances.

A beautiful building right in the heart of Taipan but the location is killing her customers...hellish to go through the agony of finding a parking space. It's dreadful and a big nightmare each time you think of banking chores during the day... right beside True Fitness where her customers take up whatever parking space space for banking patrons.

OCBC , Subang Jaya ... for your banking purposes ; free advertisement.

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