Saturday, March 5, 2011

Another Landmark

History In The Making
5th March will go under the records of the history of the school.

Today I am very happy that the mandate to form a pro tem committee for the Alumni has been carried out. It has been like a stone on my heart for many years especially when I have to leave not very long from now and to find an association with past students not formed; not after 17-18 years with the school.

With grit and determination we managed to gather a group of students mainly from last year's final batch to get the motion going. It was with much persuasion as many feared commitment despite my assurance that the full support will be upon the shoulders of the school for the time being.

In support of the motion were 2 dedicated parents from the PTA whom with their wide secular experiences were here to help us formulate the terms and conditions of the referendum. We are blessed to benefit from their advice and vision. They voiced out clauses that might hurt the society and cautioned us against wrong statements. After a gruesome 2 hours on the clauses we finally came to terms and conditions accepted by all those present. We needed this group's decision for us to submit enough details for approval by ROS.

The Guidance and Counselling unit of the school was in full support of the venture and with dedication will somehow see the formation to fruition. The members though youthful were cooperative and knew the meaning of rising up to the occasion and extending the needed hand at crucial moments like these. Thank you ladies and gentlemen for your presence.

After a fruitful discussion we finally sat down for our favourite pizza... Dominos; a pizza brand that has made its name a household name in the school. Good marketing strategy. Someday this alumni may also have adventurous activities that may just launch into business enterprises ! Oh when dreams come true; but all achievements start from a dream.

So today we temporarily form a society under Persatuan Alumni SMK Seafield (PASS) and we will be submitting details for approval. We only hope there will be no hitches...but no fears. We will conquer all obstacles for the sake of the school.
Justin, the pro tem President texted me last night : Casual clothes will do right?
Me : Sure. Gelled hair also can.
Am I glad I do not have a say anymore...
PASS the good news on.


aemynadira said...

"..all achievements start from a dream.." ~~ nice ^^

Puan Chong said...

So dream on...