Friday, March 25, 2011

A Tough Nite

Who will go?
American Idol's choice tonight will prove to be a difficult one ; so I think.
They all seem to put in good effort and dad and I actually feel it will be really tough tonight.
By the way, do not think I am the crazy one; dad watches the competition more intensely than I.
Will the judges use the precious vote to save?
After the weeks of watching we have picked our favourites among us at home; I mean dad and I.

Casey is dad's favourite. Pleasant and matured dad likes his weekly presentation.

I am enthralled by Scotty's clean , country sound music. He is so tidy and every mama's boy. He is unique; isn't he. Can you try to sing like him? Not easy.

I don't know whether it is too early to guess. But I think Jacob and James should make it to the finals. Oh... have I caused a furor?
But tonight despite a good performance last night, someone has to go ... Lauren?
Or will the judges use their precious vote?
This evening at 6, we will eat fried rice in front of the box.

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