Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Teachers for Parents

The Feeder School
A staff strength of more than 130 will surely hit many of us with school-going children right from pre to primary to secondary years ; albeit some being in university stage.

A daily observation at the school canteen during lunch hours cause me to see the role of responsible parents in the upbringing of children. Many of us are not only on a pay roll but also having to look after the well-being of spouses and school- going children. Geographically SMK Seafield is positioned next to a primary school and that's how they have become our feeder school .

Therefore, slowly but surely we find most of our teachers enrolling their children at the school next to us. It is only a physical gate that is dividing both the schools. Back in the mid 90s the plot where the primary school stands now was part of our premise but alas it was taken away from us for another cause. A cause that is recommendable but at the expense of us not able to set a 400m track for sports.

It is encouraging to see both male and female teachers fending for their young ones when the children are dismissed from school each day. The young ones have been trained by their parents to take the following steps :

  • as soon as the bell goes for dismissal, they are to trudge across the border by going through this small little gate.

This gate is under lock and key to be opened at certain times of the day and then to be locked back immediately for discipline purposes. Ladies and gentlemen, this little gate has also been the 'gateway' to many successful stories of children faring extremely well in public exams like the UPSR , PMR and SPM. It is the gate that has connected both schools, children and parents and has made it possible for practical living and survival. Thankfully this situation has made it possible for teachers to dispense their duties well in their jobs and private lives. Parents too can run to them when a fever or other wants happen. Most grateful to this physical arrangement my teachers are.

  • After crossing this little gate they will dutifully make their way to the school canteen to have their meals.

  • They will pick their favourite, look for a seat and quietly consume their lunch

  • Then they are to wait for their mothers or fathers if and when they have meetings in school

  • Some even complete their homework and attend religious classes

  • They will finally go home when all is done by their parents and the cycle repeats itself the next day

Personally, I feel this is discipline by itself. Good parents bring up children the good way. Somehow, somewhere these commendable attributes will arise in the lives of the children.

Today I witnessed some touching moments between a father and daughter in the canteen.

Little girl : Auntie, itu apa? (what's that?)

Me : Ice Kacang. you want too?

Shyly but surely she nodded her head. She wanted to have a taste of the sweet drink.

Later the dad walked in and commented: Oh ice kacang. Did you trouble the aunt? I assured him that she did not and that she has been a good girl. I noticed the way she consumed her meal with her clean fingers and by the time the meal was over, the plate was spick and span. So neat and tidy; a result of proper care. Next, I asked the dad when the next child is due and the girl quickly replied : soon. She is bright, chatty and well-mannered. Of course I will proceed with the next inquiry. Is it a boy or a girl? She jumped the wagon and said "boy"!

By now dad was beaming and interrupted "how do you know?" "I heard the doctor telling mama that it's going to be a boy!" Gentle dad was patting her head lovingly and every word and sentence was spoken softly and with a smile. Such gentle demeanour will surely encourage an environment of security and supreme love in the home. Lucky little girl. I am sure she will grow up to be a wholesome being bringing much joy to everyone around her. The father treats her with such tender loving care and the fruits of his action will be seen and felt. If all fathers allow such moments to thrive in the home, then we will have fewer problematic teens.

I went away feeling happy and recalled the days of my children in their primary years... tiger mum !

See, the feeder school and her stories. Many, many more to be related.

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