Friday, January 14, 2011

The Mini Celebration

Ponggal In School

Friday afternoons always are extra busy in school. Several societies function on this day and students are especially joyful as it is the end of the week and fridays mean late nights and a longer time of break. So with light-hearted spirits teachers and students join force for a time of fun in school.

While brisking around school today, I saw this group of Indian students probably belonging to the Hindu Society gathering around for the Ponggal celebration.

I took the teacher in charge aside and asked if the celebration was to mark the first day of the Tamil New Year to which she replied no. She informed me that it is actually a celebration to mark the first rice harvested for the season. The new rice would mean a new beginning and a bigger portion of good fortune.

A pot of milk mixed with some water was put to the boil and when the mixture flowed out when heated up, the 'overflowing' boasted of abundance and good fortune. When that happened, the students encircled the pot under the 'tree' clapping their hands shouting "Jay"- a connotation of success for Seafield children.

Next, Pn Jega and Pn Lakshimi added rice, brown sugar or rock sugar but never white sugar together with cashew nuts and raisins into the milk.

Each student was given the opportunity to scoop a small ladle of uncooked rice and put into the pot to be cooked for consumption later.

The finished product. Brown rice and sugar for an overflow of sweetness for the year.

This is how we learn matters in school. We appreciate each other's culture and respect their beliefs in harmony. I was glad to have the opportunity to witness the occasion and the added knowledge.

Yes, students and teachers come together to learn from one another during extra-curricular activity time.

Aim achieved.

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