Sunday, January 23, 2011

My All Time Favourite

Listening to oldies and sewing.

On a Saturday far away from the maddening crowd of the school, I did some tapestry and added some new colours to the kitchen. I love the sewing machine and listening to old Chinese hits. I sound so old? But it is those quiet moments that you can catch yourself and reflect on your relationships with people around you and sometimes it goes beyond that.

I kept on going through the characters played by Hem and Haw and even Sniffy and Scurry from "Who moved my cheese?" and relate it to my present moments. I can still change for the better? I can invest? What kind of investment? How do I handle the youths of the school? Shall I think the way they do? How much must I change to be accepted by them?

Shall I draw a new line between the Chinese and Western mum? When do I become the Chinese one and when the Western one? Perhaps I can come out with a new formula ? A combination of both cultures? Maybe...just maybe.

So the thoughts roll all over...

If you can get a copy, get it. It's a new twist to the old tempo and it's jazzy. Lovely songs sung in a modern beat and it was played for 3 hours. 3 cds in the album and Esther was extra patient with me as she listened along. Not a word of complaint; so unlike her. Aha, maybe it's because the album has a special attachment ; a gift from someone close to her?

I love to gather the pleats and take pride in the details. See the maroon edging? I could not do on my own. Sent it to a tapestry outlet to get it sewed and it cost me a bomb...RM12.00. But I just wanted a professional look on it so I had to give in.

The edge is neat and tasty ; so it's worth the money.

The colour of the table cloth drew a lot of praise as it calms the soul ... like cherry blossoms on the table.

Now, it's a set. The windows are also cheerfully dressed up with the same colour scheme.
It is home and it needs the touch of love and care.

It is also to greet the year of the golden rabbit on the Lunar Calendar...exactly 24 years ago when Esther was born.
The cheer is in the air again.
Malaysia is truly a unique land.

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