Monday, April 25, 2011

Green Fingers

When you have them, they are yours for life.

When you don't your plants won't look good ; their growth seldom sustains.

Look at this giant growth in my backyard. It took the tree 7 years to fruit. When it grew to this size and refuse to fruit we conveniently presume that it was a male tree. But lo and behold, it began to fruit and we were elated when it began to fruit and multiply. Not much was done to the tree; the usual watering and occasionally fertilising it; really very occasional only. We are grateful to the natural nutrients drawn from the ground.

A trip back home last weekend saw us with our mouths wide-opened as we gazed at the first fruits on this mango 'tree'. The fruits were healthy and succulent. But Por por took effort to take care of them; so unlike me.

Look. It's a mini potted tree. Even a mango plant grown in a pot can lead to such a commendable harvest. Trees grown on the ground also do not produce such crops. How did Por Por do it? She has always been good with plants. Nothing dies under her fingers. She has green fingers; really green ones.

We asked her how she did it and her reply was simple. She waters ; fertilises and takes pains to 'talk' to her trees. Like humans, she says the plants need daily care. The more you handle them with care, the better they grow.

My sister and I laughed as we recall how plants virtually die under our hands and we conceded to real defeat. We stand amazed gazing at the pint -sized tree and its luscious fruits.

Suffering from all kinds of muscle aches , she says that now Kong also takes an interest in the plants. He sometimes take the initiative to water them when the aches are too much for Por. I am also touched to see the patriach filling tupperwares of water every night before bed time and putting them in Por's room before she retires for the evening. When duty calls, he rises up to the occasion. His loving gesture surprises us for he never used to be so domesticated. But he loves Por dearly.

You see, Por's plants are green and healthy. her famous comment when she visits me is ; ...why are the leaves so yellow? Did you water them?...You bet we did ; the water bill tells me so.

She just has the added ingredient that we won't have...

...she has green fingers.

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