Monday, May 30, 2011


Are you low or high maintenance prone ?

When people of my age group meet together, more often than not during my friday cell meetings, we inadvertently touch on issues of life. Hot topics include empty nest syndromes, high and low gearings, down-sizings and grannie obligations.

The men being the bread winners will dwell on monetary and financial matters. Is there a need to down size and down grade after retirement? Are we able to maintain the same life style as we used to? Will the present financial situation sustain us through our life time? These are worrying issues but nevertheless real and relevant. One member commented that he is a low maintenance man; if he cannot afford chicken rice in the mall then he will go to the local coffee shop. There is no air to live for. By being easy on your pocket and not keeping your face, life is made easier!
Aha; another guy related..." But I wanna retire beside the beach in Spain and savour in the evening sunset and glory..."; that's high maintenance. You gonna work all your life just for that. At times reality sets in and we shared that all that we have are gifts from God; giving us the health and opportunity to make a living. We have to be careful and grateful for a tsunami may just come along and everything disappears into thin air.
So, the conclusion is to lead a simple and meaningful life ; with less air.

Then we are also concerned about passive income. Should we invest wisely so that we have a constant source of income? But what do we invest in? Properties ? Houses? How to remain simple? Does retirement also include an annual holiday? Do we look at our children for maintenance? None of us dare to have an answer to that. We worked, be responsible parents making sure our children be given the best education opportunities and then we allow them to go forward in their endeavors in life. We can only pray for the best to come to them.
The answer is ; yes it would be good to have a source of passive income and we hope to be able to make wise decisions about that. Civil servants have passive income ! No work but got money.

The next demanding issue is when grandmas have to fly everywhere to help look after grandchildren. The latest trend is to have children working overseas and then the grannies will fly in to be close to them and to maintain a rapport with the immediate family. I am still too young for that... my children are busy studying and at work. But a couple are really busy doing grannie chores. That's something to learn about.

So when we gather and talk, we laugh as much as we can and hope the years ahead will bring good cheer and joy to us. In another couple of years, we wonder at other impending issues.

God grant us good health, we pray.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Where Do I Begin ?


But who cares? We are ready for fun ; the umbrella does the trick !

See what I mean? She's ready; she says. Lai, lai semua lai, lai... She's the lady behind the great day. Every year at this time, the prefectorial board let down their hair and be friends to everyone ! You've got a friend in them.

Nizar and sister say thank you...and you don't have to remind us about the money part, need you? I know you're making big money in the Big Apple; right?

I can miss all cakes, but not yours, Nizar.

Mama Suhaili, dressed in green is a bulwark of support to the school. She says friends shy away from her as she is always raising funds for the school ! It's good impact, dear.

Another show of love ! To tell the's red shot love.

The teachers are so in one spirit...all in one colour for the school ! Terima kasih cik gu!

Wo, wo, wo...the line up is good ; one time a year affair ! Makan cik gu.

On this day, I want to appreciate a few students too. This young lad is in form 2. His name is Shakir. Almost everyday if I do meet him at the car park during their recess, he will run to me, greet me politely and offer his hand in carrying my load. He told me he is the only child and I just love his style. So warm, pleasant and helpful. His smile is an image of good upbringing and teaching. I congratulate the parents.

Cheah Beng Tzen ( I may have got the spelling wrong) is a simple chap. I believe he is the last of the siblings in this school. He has a troop of sisters and brothers before he made his debut in the school and I like his simplicity. He never fails to warm up to me whenever he has the chance and I put on my best gear when he's around me...he carries me around with one hand !!!

I am glad I had a chance to take a pic with some of my students in 3 H; Shanita, Samuel, Marhaini, Yovish and Beatrice. They are all lovely children except for some who dread me for climbing up their backs for homework. This will be the group of children whom I will remember better; you need to teach them to have impacts; either way.

Yea, what is teacher's day when you don't have a show of talent and creativity? Andrian Tam; the photographer of the school thank you for uploading the photos and my apologies for stealing some of them...

Michael Jackson of Seafield. The frenzy was at its epitome when he took the center stage. So, you think you can dance? Fight for the next title, young man. Perfect score.

This form 4 group caught every one's attention with their vigorous, energetic tell me how to contain them in class. Write about your "Mother" you tell them and they will go ...hmm, hmm, hmm ... can write on "Rap" or not teacher?

Son to Pn Chuah, I never knew he had the potential to dance like real on stage ! He's becoming cuter by the day and more lovable too. I have been in the school long enough to see him being conceived and the privilege of knowing him as a Seafield baby; born and bred in Seafield. Now he's in Form 4; how not to feel like a veteran?

Mother to Brian, all her 3 children are Seafiledians and the strength of the school can be measured by the confidence the teachers have here. They are proud to have their children here.

So Brian cheekily popped into my room and never fails to give me 2 red ball points every year..."mark your books teacher". Yes, son. Thank you.

This year's performance is distinctly different. The boys outshine the girls ! Yes, the boys are more terror than the girls ! How come?

Look at the cutie pie, Chee Kin? How do I remember him? The year was 2009. While teaching in class 3 I, he walked in and said; "Teacher, my name is missing in the list." I asked him to go to another class; he refused. I conceded to his request on one condition; that he be good and do all that I asked. He said 'right on ! " He never failed to pass up his books...for English. Today, he showed his true colours. He's above homework; he's bold, creative, charismatic, humorous and entertaining. He represents and gathers all the fun lovers of the Form 5 boys and set another mile stone against the form 4 counter parts !

Look at them! Caricatures on stage. But they were so refreshingly good ! Wow boleh tahan !

Chee Kin and friends went frolicking here and there will 'girlish stuff'; no shame but nevertheless very nice ! Absolute enjoyment.

The teachers danced, sang and entertained the children. You should have witnessed how Shantakumari, Hargopal, Joyce, Doris Wong danced to Bollywood music; so glad to see the teachers' smiling faces. Puan Ruhaida and company took us to another round of a local Malay Joget; teachers are talented too.

You think their hair look like that in school everyday? No la. Rambut palsu ! ( they are on wigs!) Sure know how to imagine. Hey, Doris grow your hair long; stop straightening them; add curls to them just like Joyce.

So on this day, we entertained one another. We love to see their warm responses and we want to respond likewise. We hope they have fond memories of the school and will come back to us in the future.

Perhaps, this year's celebration is made different with the presence of the Alumni. Already there is a strong bond established. The President insisted that he came to show some appreciation. We were more than happy to have him. But the committee's gift to us was beyond our imagination.

They took us around the globe as they gathered students of past years to greet us. What a great display of idea and thought. Our protege are world class!

While watching the clip, the principal kept asking for their names. She knew most of them as they were in school when she was the principal then. They greeted the teachers and conveyed thanks which touched her heart. She rejoiced when she saw some of them; insisting that Sophie was my daughter and I kept telling her that she was my niece until she saw Esther on the clip. At that, she wept. She was touched that many still took pains to remember their Alma mater. She went speechless while the Chairman of the PTA peeped at her. Her emotions were contagious and it showed how warm and sincere she is towards her protege.

It was an unforgettable moment for me.

Happy Teacher's Day

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Got It !

Tired of the old way?

They never seem to leave you alone?

Wanna get rid of them?

Try this way...

Got you ... you can't escape !

People in the Northern States of Malaysia are original in their ways !

Monday, May 23, 2011

Kira Kira

This is dedicated to the students of 3 Hormat.

Grab this book and enjoy the easy reading.

Why do I like this book?

When the library teacher passed me the book on the recommendation of Puan See; I was delighted as the prints were huge ! Oh less wordy and my old yes will be spared of the agony of tearing when faced with the challenge of scouring through small prints.

First impressions are important in life; so I told myself I must complete the reading in the fastest possible time. I did but I could have done it in a shorter period. I did not skim and scan because I wanted to digest the vivid details of the author's account. Many times I paused in reflection of my personal experiences related to the descriptions.

One example was when the author recalled her affection for "Bera Bera", her stuffed animal toy which she hugged to bed each night. I remember Sara having a special pillow which she could not let go till she was 10? or even older. So attachments to such articles are for real. We must not scorn at that; I will remember again when I become a grandma.

Next, I tried an old tale's trick suggested by Kate , the author's sister, Lynn. On page 10-11 of Kira Kira there is an excerpt whereby the girls' mother chided them for whispering and gossipping and to avoid the scrutiny, one has only to..."I should try to think nonsense words in my head...elephant, cow, moo, koo, doo..." and you will be surprised that the interrogator will not decipher your thoughts ! Try it. It works !

Above all, the story line is absorbing for it tells of the special tie that Kate had for her sister Lynn; so pretty and smart. Kate looks up to the sister for advice, help and decisions. She recalls the time when Lynn would do anything to save little sister from peril and how Kate in turn did the same to Lynn. Then I wonder at my own daughters. Do they love one another like Kate and Lynn ?

The story further tells of how the humble Japanese family struggled in an alien land in America from loneliness and poverty. The situation is made worse when Lynn was struck with an incurable sickness; how the father and mother slogged day and night to make ends meet; later to lose the child. So heartbreaking and close to mothers' hearts.

Kate stole a bottle of nail polish to paint Lynn's finger nails ; to make her dying sister happy. She was discovered and condemned for the act but would you do that for your sister? On another scene, the father blasted a rich landowner's car for setting animal traps on his field which sometimes hurt innocent people; including his youngest son, Sammy. He did it out of 'justice' to the many who were hurt. He was not discovered but he admitted in front of the rich owner at the expense of his losing his job! He did just that and was fired. He taught integrity to Kate.

Lynn left behind a legacy to younger sister Kate when ... " Lynn told me that when I was a baby, she used to take me unto our empty road at night , where we would lie on our backs and look at the stars while she said over and over , 'Katie, say kira-kira, kira-kira.'...I used that word to describe everything I liked: the beautiful blue sky, puppies , kittens , butterflies..."

Even when it was painful to lose Lynn, Kate tries to remember the ' Kira Kira' of life. That's the response which makes life go on.

Simple yet sustaining, the book reflected of true family love, values, sacrifices, integrity, warmth and lessons to life.

Read boys and girls.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Gestures of Love

Stories for my children.

They must remember the love of their grandmother.

Yes, it's the weekend again. Please girls, don't ask why I am back in Muar again. Please don't lament at the slowness of the town and its colourless disposition. Muar holds a big portion of mama's heart because Kong and Por are there. So you would think we are doing our 'daughterly' and 'sonly' duties by visiting them ; that we are there to be assured of their well-being and health.

But you are highly mistaken.

As she opened her eyes at the break of dawn, her first desire was to get to the wet market on time for that catch. She never fails to lament that the supply of fish in Subang Jaya is inedible and nothing beats her Parit Jawa catch. At 7.45 aged 86, and trying to trudge like she is in her 50s, I felt guilt and shame as I see her mingle among the crowd to get her portion. Alas, she was told that she came a little too late. The next batch will arrive at 8.30am. She was relieved; at least she could get her hands on the next batch. So, she took a turn and went for breakfast with us first.

At 8.20am, she arrived at the spot to be told that it was not time yet. So she waited. I looked at her intense determination to make sure I had the fish. I asked myself if my love for my children is anywhere near hers. She spoke her sing-song teochew with the market vendors who seem to know her pretty well. They spoke about the freshness and the untainted fish so famous from Parit Jawa ; a seaside village some 8km away. My mother will never concede to anything less than the supply from that place.

8.30am arrived and with glee she saw the fish monger pouring out the fresh supply. With a snap of the finger, in no more than 10 minutes, the fishes were gone. But Por got hers ! She was happy that she could get the supply ! She doesn't think about how much they would cost her...

She smiled and beamed as she had the opportunity to grab the 'unadulterated' fishes. That is the reason why it so difficult to feed her when she is with me in Subang Jaya... nothing is fresh enough !

Very soon she went to the next stall to get a chicken to cook her comfort food; chicken in rice wine. No chicken can beat her 'red' chicken; it's not the type you get at the Subang Jaya wet market. It's a breed that has less fat and is fed on proper 'grains'. Do you buy this type of chicken?, she asked me. I blatantly replied; "Mak, I don't even know the existence of this species". She ranted the whole morning saying I must stop feeding on bad species and change my preference. I will try, mum.

Uncle Choy and I had to leave and she said after lunch please. We were treated to another session of good food and homecooking. It set me thinking about this. Who is looking after who? We are back for treats ! Por is super generous and gracious. She feeds her children even at 86 ; notwithstanding her frail bones and clumsy movements at times. That is her fierce love for her children; everyone is hers. While clearing the plates, she says she loves to hear from her children and grandchildren especially when Grace comes back from Singapore. Will Grace call her when she comes back next? she asked. Will you Grace? Without reminders?

Her portion of rice for four was big. Mum, why do you have to cook so much rice? I have my reasons, she spoke.

She told me that I need not prepare dinner at home since you girls are away and there were only dad and me. So she packed 2 portions; one for uncle Choy and another for me. Por is precise; tries very hard not to show partiality and gives equally. She has taught me another lesson; to love all children with the same portion. So, girls you know how generous I can be too; don't you? Only for meaningful ventures ,though... to teach you the value of money.

Close to the market place, is a store that supplies the famous 434 coffee of Muar. Any coffee for you dear? I told her I have too much at home but she insisted and finally when I denied them, she said; give your friends in school.

When I first brought some for the office girls in school, they told me that it tasted wonderful; so their supply is coming in again.

So girls, next time when you do have families of your own and you visit me, I will try to be kind and generous like Por. She has taught me great lessons of love and care and I will learn her ways.

So surely Por is like what Proverbs says:

She watches over the affairs of her household

and does not eat the bread of idleness.

Her children arise and call her blessed;

her husband also, and he praises her...

Proverbs 31: 27-28

Thank you Por for the fishes, chicken in rice wine, bread, coffee, bottles of rice wine and fruits. Each time when we see you, you never fail to show us your unconditional love.

Love you Por Por.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Household Name

The American Title

When the girls at home first got hooked to the show many seasons ago, I watched with some interest initially. Then I began to like; really like because it created the urge for me to guess at each contestant's sustainability in the show. Also, of course I enjoy the renditions, the performances and the clean fun. Soon, I began to garner some interest in dad too. In the beginning he was alarmed at my 'discipline' in watching each season and the craze in being tied to the seat ; come rain or shine and at times laughing to myself. But soon; very soon he too got hooked. He began to watch quite religiously with me for the last 3 seasons and we became partners in guessing the winners.

Last evening while sending my nephew to the airport , he casually asked me:
Ayi Poh, who will exit tonight?
Me : Hmm... I am thinking. I cannot grasp the American spirit now. Strange things are happening.
Nephew: But, I think that plump lass should leave.
Me : Lauren? No. I think she will stay.
Nephew: Then how? Haley should stay.
Me : Many seem to think that Scotty should go now... but not sure la.

I paused and thought for a long while. Really, the most unpredicted matter can happen. I would not jump quickly to say Scotty should go; not after last week's wrong guess. Also, I have not understood the American spirit after James was ousted. I am beginning to see things in a different light now. Maybe; just maybe Scotty will stay...
What is America looking for in the idol now ? Is it just the vocals? Is America going to choose an idol that portrays what they want to see in an idol; good disposition, values, family... That is really want it means in an idolised figure ; isn't it? Is America making good sense to the world now?
So, I kept my gab closed.

I missed the first show last evening being away for a meeting but I had a message from dad, who now seemed more eager than me. It read : Haley out.
Wow, ima wakarimasen (now I don't understand).

But America has made her choice. They want the two country singers to represent the American spirit ! I like the choices.

At 17? 18? Scotty was received with overwhelming warmth and support in his home ground. A simple and unassuming guy, I hope he will stay kind, sincere and helpful in the days to come even when he becomes very famous one day. His inability to digest his sudden popularity and attention from America and the world must have caused him buckets of tears. Somehow, the countenance on one's facial features reflect one's family and religious background and America this time has really searched for the best. He has been honoured by the Almighty One.

This young lass of 16 has a big voice and I enjoyed most of her renditions. She too is a picture of sweet countenance and her simple gestures and responses in the show have caught the hearts of America. I remember vividly her denial; "I am not evil" after rendering that 'evil' song ; reflected her vehemence to be disassociated with what she doesn't believe in. Good. Another good choice and again I hope she stays sweet throughout her life even after she wins.

By the way, have you noticed that Scotty and Lauren always sing together and somehow there is a strong tie between both of them. Oh, never mind, it's just a busybody's guess work !

Goodbye Haley. But in all honesty, she is gutsy and is one of her own. She's sporty, fun and observation. She will cut her own records too and be popular; maybe she should join forces with funny Casey and rock the world! So, Grace you were wrong too.

The 10th season is indeed totally enjoyable and we had great family fun right from the beginning to the end... 95 million votes came in; the highest recorded in its history. Who needs judges now...hahahahaha. The biggest judges perhaps are the teenagers of America !

Next week, I dowan guess anymore. It's Que Sera, Sera...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


The month of May is a tough month for many mamas.
Why ? You ask.
I just have to turn to the right and to the left and I am bound to meet mamas who have children either in schools or in tertiary institutions sitting for ...urg...exams.
Everyday we would be asking one another how the children are going through and how we shiver at the thought of their welfare. Did they eat enough? Slept enough? The imagination that mamas go through are only understood by mamas. How they wish they are the ones sitting for the exam.

Yes, mamas remain tough and steadfast for the home and family and they teach, teach,teach. Some statements are received well while others are ignored; quite thoroughly. The children sometimes reply; "how would we know if you don't give us a chance to make mistakes?" Very philosophical. So they go through ups and downs while mamas watch with their hearts in their mouths and cry at disasters that happen to them. How they wish for joy and happiness to grace every moment of their children's life.

Dad played a tune by IL DIVO and the lyrics of the song touched my spirit as I recall the love of mamas :

Mama thank you for who I am
Thank you for all the things I'm not
Forgive me for the words unsaid
For the times I forgot...

Mama remember all my life
You showed me love, You sacrificed
Think of those young and early years
How I've changed along the way

And I know you believed
And I know you had dreams
And I am sorry it took all this time to see
That I am where I am because of your truth...

Mama forgive the times you cried
Forgive me for not making right
All the storms I may have caused
And I've been wrong
Dry your eyes

Mama I hope this makes you smile
I hope you're happy with my life
At peace with everything I made
How I've changed
Along the way
And I know you believed
in all my dreams
And I owe it all to you,

Mama, mother, mummy, mum, ma ... why do they all begin with 'm' ? Is it because it is the easiest alphabet for a baby to begin speech?
God is great.

Monday, May 16, 2011

This Teacher's Day

16th May each year is symbolic to schools. It is a day when we remember teachers and like it or not, there is no denial that teachers imprint minds.

Today in school, we the teachers want to thank the children for their good behaviour during the assembly and throughout the course of the day. They are very clever people. When we plead for their cooperation to especially behave well today; they did it. So with a grateful heart we extend our sincere thanks for the good disposition as the school underwent great scrutiny with the arrival of a battalion of federal inspectorates.

They do know how to behave when they choose to; sometimes you get mad at their atrocious behaviour but at others they can turn out to be sweet as Ng Hui Ming who went around giving apples and oranges to his favourite teachers; me included !

Kaelan, the headboy went 'fuyohing' around when he playfully asked his friends ... where else except in Seafield ? On behalf of all the students he gave the principal a basketful of ... not apples ... but eggs ! Hey why eggs ah?

So beautifully packed... every teacher had one. An egg to symbolise the birth of knowledge?

The teachers were glad; look at the counsellor ! She seemed to have the loudest and last laugh ! What's up Puan Wong ?

The principal said...who else except the teachers of Seafield? Who can forget Puan Chuah? Slim and dainty; who can beat her in Additional Maths? Ask Sara... no one. Ask Esther... no one. How is it the subject is made so achievable under her tutelage? Puan Chuah share your secret la .

Puan Shahrizad, why are you reading non-stop? This English teacher is no play, play. She's a ferocious reader and has almost finished every title in the library !

But most of all, when you have ex-students walking in to certify certificates and they leave behind reminders like the above; you can only's worth it !

Hey, we love the children too ! When they are obedient and clean their classrooms diligently, we give them gifts like the above. The cleanest class each week gets nasi lemak, chocolates, biscuits... we do love them. We teach them to hold the broom properly as many do not hold them at home and when they do their duties well, we reward them. So it's a win-win situation.

Today, though we celebrate Teacher's Day in a low note as they are in the midst of their exams, we look forward to greater times of sharing and giving in the days to come...

Teacher's Day is made meaningful when children respond to us in love and respect.

...and the principal is all smiles on this bright and lovely morning...

Happy Teacher's Day.