Sunday, May 1, 2011


Amazing Kong Kong


My bedside clock tells me it's 7.30am; no one calls me on a Sunday morning at this hour except for the old folks back home. I don't quite like early calls; it can denote unpleasantness.
But this call was unusual.

Kong : Hey daughter, are Kate and William grandchildren to Queen Elizabeth?
Me : Hmm, yes.
Kong : What has happened to the son? (He meant Prince Charles)
Me: Still around.
Kong : What happened to him after the death of Princess Diana?
Me : He married Camellia.
Kong : Oh so who will be the next King? By the way there was once a King who abdicated the throne and went to Canada. Is he the uncle of the present Queen Elizabeth?

At 93 going to 94, it is amazing that he still takes an interest in world affairs. He told me that the world news gave such a grand coverage on the royal wedding and he went ranting away about the pomp and pageantry. He said he was not clear about the royal lineage but is interested in knowing who is going to be the next king. I told him to wait and see. Aren't we all doing that?

Amazing Hats

Some call them silly hats...
I was really most caught up not so much with the royal ceremony but with the British attachment to the crown on their heads ; hats. It was really amusing to watch the guests walking in with the varied display of hats ; as if it symbolizes class and snob; different from the general mass waiting with great patience and devotion outside. Or maybe I should perceive it as a gesture of respect for the royal couple and in formal church premises ? But I saw the First Lady without a hat ?

Whatever it may be, I had a good laugh watching the hats of all shapes and sizes. I have never seen more hats before this. It added some color to the day. It's amazing how the hats are made to fit the outfits; some match well; others evoked in depth decipher. But at the end of the day, I learnt something .

The British are serious about the thing call HATS !

Beautiful, expressive hats; aren't they?
Or are they just silly as some say ?

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