Hey; here's something to cheer you !
Remember the teachings and wishes on your wall ?
Super Sara !!! The Sara Factor!
Yes Lau Der Yin..though you kept ranting that the last character doesn't exist in the dictionary...if that be so, just change la. No need to be stressed out wan !
No you can't run away... tell your friends they cannot run away too ! Nick, Sher Hann, Faye, Debra, Justin... just hold on tight !
Yea everything has its place and time; for a reason. You need to finish the race to enter another one ... hahahahha ! But that's just life !
Lucky girl; your have great support from poor boyfriend who is also going through exam stress...
I pray for the presence of angels to surround you each day...So put on your smile and start off your day cheerful !
You claim to be a princess... so be one ! How does a princess behave? Cool , calm and composed.
Many show you affection; Agnes loves you...
Even Cicak says he loves you...Who's Mei Mei d? Xue Mei? She loves you too...
Wow; remember your old croonies ?Sook Yi, Amelia, Kit Yi, XueMei, Cass, Agnes, Esther and Nadrah all sayang you and are with you !
You see...they love you!
So be brighter than sunshine! Be Happy !
The Sara factor ! Only you have it ! You can do it! Cheers !
A special reminder; take it easy, relax and don't be too kiasu !
Regards to all friends with you...all you bright and smart ones; it's only a little jump.
More jumps to come by when...
you start to save lives in the real world !
When David the little lad met Goliath the giant..."You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty...1Sam17:45...All those who gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord's... 1sam17:47
So, when you have done your part, the battle is the Lord's.
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