Saturday, May 14, 2011

School of Future Leaders

Thien Vivien ; SPM 2004

Saw her growing up from 13 and now I believe she's ready to storm the world. A superb achiever in all aspects from academics to co-curricular activities, Vivien fights hard. She's also a recipient of one of the top SPM award and had lunch with the then Prime Minister. Today, she has done many proud being a Cambridge Law graduate and a Harvard Masters holder. She was called to the American bar in January this year.

I remember her being the 'Malam Bakat Seafield' Mc and took the job with pride and care. She's everywhere from being a debater to a recipient of the coveted 'Sony Science' Awards. Her enthusiasm and drive has seen her through the many challenges she faces along her life's journey.
Today, she's at it again. She's in her final bar call and serving in one of the top 5 Law firms in London. She's also a co-writer of a book together with her professor; a book I believe that would give valuable information.
On a visit to school last month, she told me that the thing that gives her qualm about working overseas is her missing family members and home. Even a short trip of two weeks was essential as it meets her crave for home. Her good friend, Kavitha is going to finish her medical studies in London and she will be attending her convocation soon. Both of them are great pals from secondary school days till today. Old friends die hard; they stick to you under all circumstances and it's never the same with friends you meet in tertiary institutions.

Yes, Vivien is another product from the school of future leaders.
"When are you getting married?" She gave me a smile.

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