Sunday, May 8, 2011


The Coveted Contest

So what's the verdict?

With a youth group so boisterous in school, you have got to be with them or be left out. When Aaron , Andrean and Sam approached us for support from the school, we watched it with caution but at the same time with awe at the creativity displayed. Why not? So they had our green light.

Today, at Berjaya Time Square they were picked out of a nation wide search of 250 groups to compete at the national level for Digi's Your School Got Talent Contest. Only 14 made it to the finals and the boys were one of the groups selected. If you ask me if it had been a pride to the school, I will say it is indeed.

Competition was stiff as many of the schools from as far as Johor Bharu and Kuantan took great effort to put in their best shot with the best music, musical instrument and costumes. They performed in big numbers and when I saw the challenge, my first apprehension was: Were Aaron and Sam going to perform without visual aids ? Only sounds from their very own vocal chords? I kept ranting that we should have visuals for the background. But alas, we were told a day before the competition and there wasn't much that could be done. The delivery made on the video above was comprehensive but done without the aid of visuals would mean a disadvantage.

Also, obviously lacking was crowd support. They lack support from friends who were absent because they are in the midst of their preparation for the mid-year torn between the desire of the heart and the call of the day. I looked with envy at the crowd support others had. This is a lesson to be learnt for competition. Send in support; but we were not able to do so today.

So what did the judges say? That some background music and support should be provided for a more colourful display; that was my first apprehension; came true. Otherwise, the boys were splendid in their delivery; a perfect one. I saw the judges' jaws dropped at the daring performance; out of the norm and yet they were not bold enough to judge out of the box. One of them even said that Sam is out of the you eat the radio? What did he mean by that?Out of all fairness and not being biased, the boys deserved a better score.

The boys did not make it to the top 5 but they are winners in their own right. Who can beat box like Sam? No one. Well, we want to be gracious losers; but the boys were different. Ask them if you can.

But perhaps the thing that touched me most was the plight of Sam. He received the news with joy and despair. Being a fifth former and with impending tests for the next few days, it was touching to see him trying his most to absorb as much learning as he could in the midst of sounds and noise; a promise he made to his dad.

I have only this to say: Mr. Saw, you have a good son.

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