Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Household Name

The American Title

When the girls at home first got hooked to the show many seasons ago, I watched with some interest initially. Then I began to like; really like because it created the urge for me to guess at each contestant's sustainability in the show. Also, of course I enjoy the renditions, the performances and the clean fun. Soon, I began to garner some interest in dad too. In the beginning he was alarmed at my 'discipline' in watching each season and the craze in being tied to the seat ; come rain or shine and at times laughing to myself. But soon; very soon he too got hooked. He began to watch quite religiously with me for the last 3 seasons and we became partners in guessing the winners.

Last evening while sending my nephew to the airport , he casually asked me:
Ayi Poh, who will exit tonight?
Me : Hmm... I am thinking. I cannot grasp the American spirit now. Strange things are happening.
Nephew: But, I think that plump lass should leave.
Me : Lauren? No. I think she will stay.
Nephew: Then how? Haley should stay.
Me : Many seem to think that Scotty should go now... but not sure la.

I paused and thought for a long while. Really, the most unpredicted matter can happen. I would not jump quickly to say Scotty should go; not after last week's wrong guess. Also, I have not understood the American spirit after James was ousted. I am beginning to see things in a different light now. Maybe; just maybe Scotty will stay...
What is America looking for in the idol now ? Is it just the vocals? Is America going to choose an idol that portrays what they want to see in an idol; good disposition, values, family... That is really want it means in an idolised figure ; isn't it? Is America making good sense to the world now?
So, I kept my gab closed.

I missed the first show last evening being away for a meeting but I had a message from dad, who now seemed more eager than me. It read : Haley out.
Wow, ima wakarimasen (now I don't understand).

But America has made her choice. They want the two country singers to represent the American spirit ! I like the choices.

At 17? 18? Scotty was received with overwhelming warmth and support in his home ground. A simple and unassuming guy, I hope he will stay kind, sincere and helpful in the days to come even when he becomes very famous one day. His inability to digest his sudden popularity and attention from America and the world must have caused him buckets of tears. Somehow, the countenance on one's facial features reflect one's family and religious background and America this time has really searched for the best. He has been honoured by the Almighty One.

This young lass of 16 has a big voice and I enjoyed most of her renditions. She too is a picture of sweet countenance and her simple gestures and responses in the show have caught the hearts of America. I remember vividly her denial; "I am not evil" after rendering that 'evil' song ; reflected her vehemence to be disassociated with what she doesn't believe in. Good. Another good choice and again I hope she stays sweet throughout her life even after she wins.

By the way, have you noticed that Scotty and Lauren always sing together and somehow there is a strong tie between both of them. Oh, never mind, it's just a busybody's guess work !

Goodbye Haley. But in all honesty, she is gutsy and is one of her own. She's sporty, fun and observation. She will cut her own records too and be popular; maybe she should join forces with funny Casey and rock the world! So, Grace you were wrong too.

The 10th season is indeed totally enjoyable and we had great family fun right from the beginning to the end... 95 million votes came in; the highest recorded in its history. Who needs judges now...hahahahaha. The biggest judges perhaps are the teenagers of America !

Next week, I dowan guess anymore. It's Que Sera, Sera...

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